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Items where Division is "Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences > Department of Economics" and Year is 2007

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Number of items: 64.


Abd Aziz, Hassanuddeen and Ariffin, Muhammad Irwan (2007) Towards the realization of divine objectives and moral principles in Islamic finance. In: Islamic Finance: The Challenges Ahead. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp. 21-42. ISBN 978-983-3455-82-9

Abdul Manap, Turkhan Ali and Kassim, Salina (2007) Sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in Malaysia: an empirical test of the Keynesian model. Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, 11 (2). pp. 58-77.

Abdullah Yusof, Selamah and Mohd Amin, Ruzita (2007) A Survey on the objective of the firm and models of producer behavior in the Islamic framework. J.KAU: Islamic Econ, 20 (2). pp. 3-16.


Birekul, Mehmet (2007) Konya : the land of peace and love. 128, 1 . Kültür A.Ş, Konya. ISBN 978 605 000 007 8


Chin, Lee and Azali, Mohamed and Yusop, Zulkornain and Yusoff, Mohammed (2007) The monetary model of exchange rate: evidence from The Philippines. Applied Economics Letters, 14. pp. 993-997. ISSN 1350–4851 (P) 1466–4291 (O)


Hamid, Zarinah (2007) International trade and conflict relationship. The Journal of World Economic Review, 2 (2). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0973-4368


Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Al-Ṭūfī- centred approach to al-Maṣlaḥah al-Mursalah (Public Interest) in Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Law Studies (IHAD), , 10 (9). pp. 71-96. ISSN 1304-1045

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Aslında Hepimiz Dört Eşliyiz (actually we all have four-wifes). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Aydınlanıp aydınlatmak (Illuminating for being illuminated). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Aşksız yaşam olmaz…(no life without love). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Bilge sopası cana sifadır (Wise man's stick heals the soul). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Catalhuyuk ve tarihi miras (Catalhuyuk and the historical heritage). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dem bu demdir, fırsat bu fırsattır (time is this time, opportunity is this opportunity). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Donum Noktası –I- (A turning point-I-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dost arıyorum can vermeye –II- (Looking for a comrade to sacrifice my life-II-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dost arıyorum can vermeye–I (Looking for a comrade to sacrifice my life-I-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Duanın gizemli dunyası (The mysterious world of prayer). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dunya dolusu altın (The world full of gold). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dunyada Mevlana izleri (Traces of Mevlana in the world). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dusuncenin Esrarlı Gercegi (The mysterious truth of thought). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Dönüm Noktası –II-(A Turning Point-II-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Farklılıgın rahmeti ve aklın yolu (The mercy of diversity and the way of intellect). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Goklerin merdiveni (The ladder of the heavens). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Hayal ile gercek arası (Between imagination and the reality). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Ijtihad by Ra’y: the main source of inspiration behind Istihsan. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 24 (1). pp. 73-95. ISSN 0742-6763

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Iki guzelligi yasamak (Enjoying with the two beauties). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Isteyene istedigini veririm (I give anyone who asks what he wants). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Japonya’dan Işıltılar (sparkles from Japan). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kim kazanacak! (Who will win?). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kin perdesi can perdesi (Obstacle of the revenge, obstacle of the soul). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Konya ve Global Denge (Konya and the global balance). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Korkunun esiri olma! (Don't be captive of fear). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kritik ve Analitik Düşünce (critical and analytical thinking). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kumar, Kader ve Sabır (gambling, fate, and patience). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kumun esrarlı gercegi -I- (Mysterious fact of the sand-I-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kumun esrarlı gercegi -II- (Mysterious fact of the sand-II-). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Kurtul artık su sidik denizinden (Enough! go away off the pee sea). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Memleket’e Merhabalar (hello to the memleket). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Nefsi kurban etmek (Sacrificing the self). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Olume hazır olma sanatı (The art of readiness to death). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Pakistan ve Muhammed İkbal (Pakistan and Muhammad Iqbal). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Ruhunuzun DNA’sını hacklettirmeyin (Do not have your soul’s DNA hacked). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Sah damarı (Jugular vein). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Sevdigin kadar sevilirsin (You are loved as much as you love). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Sevgi ile padisahlar kul olur (Suntans become slaves by the power of love). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Sutten kesilmeye bak sen (Try to abstain from breastfeeding). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Türkiye’ye dışardan bakabilmek (looking at Turkey from outside). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Uc caglayanın birlestigi gun (The day that three waterfall meet). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Vardır bunda da bir hayır! (must there is a wisdom for this as well). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Yerküre’nin Kalbi (the heart of the earth). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Yolun Londra’dan gecen duragı (A stop of the road through London). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Yureginin renginde bir gul ver yeter (Give a rose in the colour of your heart). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Zamanı Var Guzel Gozlum (O my beloved there is time for it). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Çölden Gelen Hoş bir Seda (a nice sound from the desert). Memleket Newspaper. ISSN 1308-3996

Kayadibi, Saim and Safak, Yakup (2007) Mawlâna Jalâleddîn-I Rûmî the life, work and the Mawlawî order. 124, 1 . Olgun Çelik Printing House, Konya. ISBN 9786050000030


Mohd Arshad, Mohd Nahar (2007) Hidup kaya tanpa riba. PTS Millenia, Kuala Lumpur . ISBN 9789833604463 (pbk.)


Nessaha, Rabia and Larbani, Moussa and Tazdait, Tarik (2007) A note on Berge equilibrium. Applied Mathematics Letters, 20 (8). pp. 926-932. ISSN 1350-4851

Nicholson, Reynold A. and Kayadibi, Saim (2007) The Mathnawi of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi. Euromat Printing House, Konya, Turkey. ISBN 9789944913843

Nicholson, Reynold A. and Kayadibi, Saim (2007) The Mathnawî of Mawlâna Jalâladdîn-i Rûmî (2007). Tablet Publication, Konya. ISBN 9789756346877


Rafia, Afroz and Hassan, Mohd Nasir and Awang, Muhamad and Ibrahim, Noor Akma (2007) Benefits of air quality improvement in Klang Valley Malaysia. International Journal Environment and Pollution 2007, 30 (1). pp. 119-136. ISSN 0957-4352


Tahir, Sayyid (2007) Islamic Banking Theory and Practice: A Survey and Bibliography of the 1995-2005 Literature. Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries, 28 (1). pp. 1-72. ISSN 0252-953X


Yusoff, Mohammed (2007) Malaysian bilateral exports and bilateral real exchange rates. In: International Economic Conference on Trade and Industry, 3-5 Decenber 2007, Penang. (Unpublished)

Yusoff, Mohammed (2007) The Malaysian real trade balance and the real exchange rate. International Review of Applied Economics, 21 (5). pp. 655-667. ISSN 0269-2171 (P), 1465-3486 (O)


Zakaullah, Muhammad Arif (2007) Religion and politics in America : the rise of Christian Evangelists and their impact. Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, Beirut, Lebanon. ISBN 9789953009391

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