Items where Author is "Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri"
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Qader, Shkar Hama Agha and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Saleh, Abdulmajid Obaid Hasan (2024) تاريخ تأسيس وتطوّر صندوق الحج الماليزي (تابونغ حاجي): دراسة تحليلية = The history of the establishment and development of the Malaysian Hajj Fund (Tabung Haji): an analytical study. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 8 (2). pp. 19-41. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Abdullah, Muhamad Muizz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2024) حقيقة الوصاية من وجهة نظر الشريعة الإسلامية: أحكامها وانتهاؤها ومبطلاتها = The Islamic entrustment (al-Wisayah) concept from shariah perspective: its provisions, termination and invalidations. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (6). pp. 515-540. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Khelifati, Hamza and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2024) الاجتهاد والإفتاء وتطوره المؤسساتي المعاصر: المفهوم، المقومات، والإجراءات العامة = The development of ijtihād and iftāʿ in the contemporary institutional landscape: concepts, foundations, and general procedures. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 30-66. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Umar, Abubakar Muhammad and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Busari, Saheed Abdullahi (2024) A jurisprudential study on zakat on horse; its social and economic benefits. Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 245-270. ISSN 2637-0581 E-ISSN 2637-0581
Karim, Fatimah and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2024) The legal provisions and judicial rulings of will for heirs' Cases in Malaysia's Shari'ah High Courts. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), Vol. 8 (1). pp. 6-24. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Abdullah, Muhamad Mu'izz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2023) Illegitimate child inheritance: an analysis from syariah perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 24. pp. 133-144. ISSN 2232-1314 E-ISSN 2289-6023
Suleiman, Hassan and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2023) The Impact of the Ten Qirā’āt Mutawātirah on Jurists’ Disagreements in Sharīʿah Rulings أثر القراءات العشر المتواترة في اختلاف الفقهاء في الأحكام الشرعية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 7 (3). pp. 52-62. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Jaiyeoba, Haruna Babatunde and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2022) Interest rate versus profit rate in the light of Islamic maxim: al-ibratu fil uqūdi lil maqāsidi wa ma’ānī lā lil alfāzi wal mabani. Journal of Emerging Economies & Islamic Research, 10 (3). pp. 79-90. E-ISSN 2289-2559
Abdullah, Muhamad Muizz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2022) في إدارة التركة (trust) أحكام التحايل على الوصاية المعاصرة = At-Tahayul provision on the trust implementation in Islamic estate planning. Journal of Islamic Shariah, 2 (1). pp. 138-176. E-ISSN 2773-5915
Karim, Fatimah and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2022) The law of will for heirs in Malaysia: a juristic analytical study. International Journal Of Fiqh And Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6 (1). pp. 71-88. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Sitiris, Miszairi and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and mokhtar, mohd na'im (2021) Talak taklik menurut fiqah: analisis pelaksanaannya dalam undang-undang keluarga Islam serta arahan amalan Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia = Conditional divorce in Islamic jurisprudence: an analysis of its application in Islamic family law and the practice direction of the Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia, 33 (1). pp. 97-130. ISSN 0128-2670 E-ISSN 2682-8057
Abdul Raof, Rehab Soliman and Ibrahim Mohamed, Hossam El Din and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2020) نحو نموذج مقاصدي لشركات توظيف الأموال = Towards Maqasidi framework for money-investment companies. International Journal of Al-Turath In Islamic Wealth And Finance, 1 (2). pp. 66-113. E-ISSN 2716-6856
Sitiris, Miszairi and Mahmud, Mek Wok and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Busari, Saheed Abdullahi (2020) Exploring the fatwa methodology of committee of the national council for Islamic affairs: case of ASB trust fund. Journal of Fatwa management and Research, 19 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2232-1047 E-ISSN 0127-8886
Sitiris, Miszairi and Mahmud, Mek Wok and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Busari, Saheed Abdullahi (2020) Exploring The Fatwa methodology of committee of The National Council for Islamic Affairs: Case of ASB Trust Fund. Journal of Fatwa Management And Research (JFATWA), 19 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2232-1047 E-ISSN 0127-8886
Salim al-Sinani, Said and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2019) الشروط الجزائية في عقد الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك = The penalty clauses in leasing contract which ends with ownership (al-Ijārah al-Muntahiyah bi al-Tamlīk). International Journal of Fiqh And Usul al-Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), 3 (1). pp. 6-28. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Karim, Fatimah and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2018) الوصية للوارث: دراسة فقهية تحليلية = The will for heirs: a juristic analytical study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), 2 (2). pp. 89-102. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Karim, Fatimah and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2018) الوصية للوارث: دراسة فقهية تحليلية The will for heirs: a juristic analytical study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 2 (2). 89 -102. ISSN 2600-8408
Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Fattah, Abu-Baker Tawfeeq (2018) نحو حوكمة شرعية في تطبيقات التورق بورصة سوق السلع الماليزية الإسلامية أنموذجًا = Towards a Shariah compliance governance in the application of tawarruq: the case of Malaysian Islamic commodity market = Ke arah kerajaan patuh syariat dalam perlaksanaan jual beli tawarruq: Bursa Malaysia sebagai contoh. At-Tajdid, 22 (43A). pp. 257-274. E-ISSN 1823-1926
Arif, Arif Ali and ., Noor Azura and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2017) العنف الأسري وحلوله بين مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الماليزي = Domestic violence and its remedies in the light of Maqaṣid al-Sharīʿah and Malaysian law. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah. ISSN 2232-0474 E-ISSN 2232-0482 (In Press)
Arif, Arif Ali and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura (2017) ضرب الزوجات بين مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الماليزي = Wife beating between Maqasid al-Shariah and the Malaysian law = Pukul isteri antara Maqasid al-Shari’ah dan Undang-Undang Malaysia. At-Tajdid, 21 (41-B). pp. 157-176. ISSN 1823-1926
Mohd Noor, Azman and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2010) Takaful: analisis terhadap konsep dan akad. Jurnal Muamalat, 1 (3). pp. 1-28. ISSN ISSN:1985-6156
Shahrin, Ahmad Shamil and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2017) أحكام الحيوانات المباحة المعلوفة بالأعلاف المختلطة بالنجاسة. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-418-868-9
Book Chapter
Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2011) ادارة السيولة في المصرفية الاءسلامية بماليزيا: تقويم شرعي (Idarah al-siullah fi misrofiah Islamiah bi Malizia : takwim syar'i). In: قضايا فقهية معاصرة في الاءموال والبنوك الاءسلامية (qadhaya fiqhiyyah mua'sirah fi al-amwal wa al-bunuk al-Islamiah). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 145-178. ISBN 9789670225760
Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2011) موقف الفقة الإسلامي المعاصر من إدارة السيولة لدى البنوك التقليدية (maukif al-fiqh al-Islami al-mu'asir min idarah al-siulah lada al-bunuk al-taqlidiah). In: قضايا فقهية معاصرة في الأموال والبنوك الإسلامية (qadhaya fiqhiyyah mua'sirah fi amwal wa al banuk islamiah). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 105-143. ISBN 9789670225760
Proceeding Paper
Ghalia, Bouhedda and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Sitiris, Miszairi (2022) دور التمويل الاجتماعي المصرفي في التنمية السياحية المستدامة: آليات وقفية مقترحة في ضوء التجربة الماليزية. In: السياحة الوقفية وآفاق الاستثمار: قراءة في التجربة الجزائرية والدول الرائدة, 14th December 2022, Algeria. (Unpublished)
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Abdu Aziz, Akhtarzaite (2021) Maqasid Based Social Health Assistance for B-40 in ASEAN: A Systematic Review. In: International Webinar on the Roles of University in Responding to Psychosocial Issues in the Community 2021, Online.
Zakariyah, Luqman and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri and Abd Rahman, Mohamad Zulkifli (2018) Examining the compliance of hospitality services in KLIA Malaysia with Maqasid al-Shariah. In: International Conference on Halal Innovation in Products and Services 2018 (i-CHIPS 2018), 13th-14th July 2018, Haat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Muhammad Najib and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2015) دعوى تعارض النص مع المصلحة على البعد الإسلامي الوسطي. In: 3rd International Seminar on Syariah and Common Law 2015, 27-28 Oct 2015, Negeri Sembilan.