IIUM Repository

Dr Zahariah Pilus



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Latest Additions

  1. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Pilus, Zahariah and Wahid, Ridwan (2024) The functions of level tone in the spontaneous speech of Malay ESL learners. In: Contemporary Malaysian English Pronunciation. IIUM Press, pp. 94-120.
  2. Mohamad, Hairul Azhar and Pilus, Zahariah and Md Zolkapli, Rasyiqah Batrisya and Mohaini, Muhammad Luthfi and Abdul Wahab, Nadiah Hanim and Nath, Pavithran Ravinthra (2023) The rhetorical density of authorial emotiveness and voice passiveness in abstract compositions. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 13 (2). pp. 61-77. ISSN 2226-5139 E-ISSN 2224-4441
  3. Pilus, Zahariah and Amin Rais, Amira Zafryna (2023) Code-switching in K-Pops songs. In: Scholarship Advancement Programme 2023, AHAS KIRKHS Building. (Unpublished)
  4. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Ridwan, Wahid and Pilus, Zahariah (2022) The rise tone in the English and Malay intonations of Malay learners of English. Asiatica. ISSN 1985-3106
  5. Rosli, Yusra and Pilus, Zahariah (2022) Investigating the effects of Listening-Reading (LR) intervention on form one ESL learners’ pronunciation of “…-ed” and “…-s” morphemes. In: The 6th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 01-02 December 2022, On-Line Conference. (Unpublished)
  6. Omar, Najma Momen and Pilus, Zahariah (2022) The effects of explicit connected speech instruction on Libyan EFL learners’ perception of connected speech. In: Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics Asia Pacific Conference 2022,, 10-11 August 2022, KLCC Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  7. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Pilus, Zahariah and Wahid, Ridwan (2022) The functions of the rise tone in structured short story narrations by Malay ESL learners. In: Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics Asia Pacific Conference 2022, 10-11 August 2022, KLCC Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  8. Omar, N.M and Pilus, Zahariah (2022) Effects of explicit connected speech instruction on Libyan EFL learners’ perceptions of listening comprehension problems in speech recognition, parsing and utilisation. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 10 (1). E-ISSN 2289-8085
  9. Mohamad, Hairul Azhar and Pilus, Zahariah and Mohaini, M.L and Zolkapli, R.M and Wahab, N.A (2022) Rhetorical strategies for appeal to logos in research abstracts: An analysis of rhetoric. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6 (3). ISSN 2682-9231 (p) E-ISSN 2590-3691
  10. Omar, Najma and Pilus, Zahariah (2022) The effects of connected speech instruction on Second or Foreign language learners’ perceptive skills and Connected Speech Production: a systematic review of the literature (2000-2021). International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21 (9). ISSN 1694-2493 (p) E-ISSN 1694-2116
  11. Mustafa, Manar and Pilus, Zahariah (2020) #WelcomeRefugees: a critical discourse analysis of the refugee resettlement initiative in Canadian news. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 20 (4). pp. 30-54. ISSN 1675-8021 E-ISSN 2550-2131
  12. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Abdul Wahid, Mohd Ridwan and Pilus, Zahariah (2020) The rise tone in short story narration: A case study of Malay ESL learners. In: International Conference on Language and Literature 2020, 15th-17th January 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  13. Li Teh, June and Pilus, Zahariah (2019) International students' perspectives of Malaysian English teachers' spoken English. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (3). pp. 555-566. ISSN 2301-9468
  14. Pilus, Zahariah and Zakaria, Nur Shahida and Zakaria, Muhamad Khairul and Wahid, Ridwan (2019) Stretching the boundaries: Malaysian ESL learners’ evaluative reactions to inner circle English accents. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 29 (2). pp. 300-321. ISSN 0957-6851 E-ISSN 1569-9838
  15. June, Li Teh and Pilus, Zahariah (2019) International students’ perspectives of Malaysian English teachers’ spoken English. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (3). pp. 554-566. ISSN 2301-9468
  16. Zainal Abidin, Ummu Zainab Al-Abidah and Pilus, Zahariah (2016) Use of verbs in museum exhibition texts. In: DELL Postgraduate Research Symposium 2016, 11th November 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  17. Zulkifli, Muhammad Amirullah and Pilus, Zahariah (2016) Language vitality: Insights from young speakers of the Bidayuh Language. In: DELL Postgraduate Research Symposium 2016, 11th November 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  18. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Pilus, Zahariah and Abdul Wahid, Mohd. Ridwan (2018) Tone choices in the speech of Malay ESL learners. In: Postgraduate Colloquium Presentation 2018, 9th-13th July 2018, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  19. Ahmad Nadzri, Fazyudi and Pilus, Zahariah (2018) The functions of the level tone in Malay ESL learners’ speech. In: 2nd International Connect Malaysia (Connect’M) Conference 2018, 16th-19th July 2018, Johor Bahru, Johor. (Unpublished)
  20. Norizan, Nur Nadhirah and Pilus, Zahariah (2018) Use of interactional markers by Malay and native writers of English in the results and discussion section of English language studies research articles. In: International Conference on Language, Culture & Society 2018, 25-25 October 2018, ISTAC, IIUM. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Perception of voicing in English word-final consonants: examining the perceptual assimilation model956
2Metadiscourse in the academic writing of local and international students at a university in Malaysia954
3The use of hedges by Malay writers: a study on the discussion section of theses in English language and applied linguistics915
4Phonological assimilation in the English of native and non-native speakers’ reading and spontaneous speech915
5Attitudes of Malaysian university students towards six English accents893
6The perception of voicing in English word-final consonants: examining the perceptual assimilation model872
7Exploring ESL learners' attitudes towards English accents868
8Politeness in request forms as perceived by Malay second language learners of English860
9The representation of Syrian refugees in Canadian online media: a corpus-assisted CDA833
10International students’ perspectives of Malaysian English teachers’ spoken English829
11The effects of listening-reading programme on the pronunciation of English words by form one students from a secondary school in Pahang823
12Discourse analysis in Malaysian English Language Teaching821
13Creating awareness of the orthographic representations of [i] and [ɪ]819
14Listening to the accents of male native English speakers: ESL learners’ perceptions818
15If snakes ‘hiss’ and cows ‘moo’ when they are awake, what sounds do gorillas and chickens make? : creating learners’ awareness of four English vowels817
16Voicing contrast in word-final stops: A preliminary study of Malay English813
17Pronunciation learning strategies of Malay ESL learners812
18Stretching the boundaries: Malaysian ESL learners’ evaluative reactions to inner circle English accents806
19Spelling and pronunciation skills of Arab ESL learners 797
20International students' perspectives of Malaysian English teachers' spoken English785
21Use of interactional markers by Malay and native writers of English in the results and discussion section of English language studies research articles.785
22The functions of the level tone in Malay ESL learners’ speech773
23Level tones in the speech of Malay ESL learners770
24#WelcomeRefugees: a critical discourse analysis of the refugee resettlement initiative in Canadian news765
25The rise tone in short story narration: A case study of Malay ESL learners757
26Tone choices in the speech of Malay ESL learners755
27Native English: ESL learners’ perceptions of female speakers’ accents747
28Use of verbs in museum exhibition texts743
29 Chapter 1: Introduction714
30International students’ perceptions of classroom Malaysian English variety703