IIUM Repository

Dr. Ramizah Wan Muhammad

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Islamic Law


Islamic Legal System, Islamic criminal law, Gender issues, Muslim minorities

Ramizah Wan Muhammad is an Associate Professor at the Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia. She joined the University in August 1992. She was an IIUM graduate where she completed her LL.B in 1992, LL.B (Shariah) in 1993, Master of Comparative Laws in 1994 and Ph.D in 2006. Her research interests are on administration of syariah courts in Malaysia and other ASEAN countries, administration of Islamic criminal justice, Islamic medical law and Islamic jurisprudence. She publishes both in Bahasa Melayu and English.

LL.B. (IIUM) LL.B ( Shariah) (IIUM) Master in Comparative Laws (MCL) (IIUM) Ph.D (IIUM)

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Latest Additions

  1. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah and Ahmad Mokhlis, Muhammad Firdaus (2024) Law and morality in Malaysia: selected issues. Journal of Law and Governance, 7 (1). pp. 206-213. E-ISSN 2637-0743
  2. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2024) The legal and ethical aspects of spiritual care in medical practices. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies, 10 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-9634 E-ISSN 0128-0902
  3. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2023) Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (1) Kelantan 2019 pandangan sepintas lalu. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia, 36 (1). pp. 145-152. ISSN 0128-2670 E-ISSN 2682-8057
  4. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) The characteristics of Islamic law in the era of Prophet and Khulafa' al Rashidin. Law Majalla, 8. pp. 70-89. ISSN 0128 5491
  5. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2022) Pesalah perlu dihukum sebelum diampun, perlihat keadilan tertegak. Berita Harian, 31 August 2022.
  6. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2022) Hukuman mati dalam undang-undang jenayah Islam: mandatori atau pilihan. Malaysia Gazette, 4 July 2022.
  7. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2022) The roles and competencies of women Sulh officers in Malaysian Syariah courts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12 (7). pp. 995-1007. ISSN 2222-6990
  8. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2022) Male Gyanecologist: Western and Islamic perspectives. Revelation and Science, 12 (1). pp. 18-22. E-ISSN 2229-9947
  9. Ramli, Ruzita and Imam Supaat, Dina and Hashim, Hasnizam and Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) Kompetensi dan Prestasi Pegawai Sulh Wanita dalam Mengendalikan Kes Mal di Mahkamah Syariah. In: UiTM International Conference on Law & Society 2021 (UiTM i-CLaS 2021), Virtual.
  10. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) The legal and ethical aspects of spiritual care in medical practice. In: 4th National Conference on Shariah Compliant Hospital, 6 - 7 September 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
  11. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) Abstract on male gynaecologist: an Islamic and humanistic perspective. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Science, 17 (5). p. 54. E-ISSN 2636-9346
  12. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) Male gynaecologist: an Islamic and Western perspective. In: world congress on integration and islamicisation 2021, Kuantan. (Unpublished)
  13. Alzahrani, Somih and Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) The role and methods of reconciliation center in alternative dispute resolutions between spouses: case study of Saudi Arabia. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shari‘ah. Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, Putrajaya, pp. 199-211. ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1
  14. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah and Tolhah, Nuur Aminah (2021) Hak suami mendisiplin isteri nusyuz menurut fiqh dan undang-undang Islam di Malaysia. In: Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia: Teori, Amalan dan Pelaksanaan. JKSM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 71-89. ISBN 9789670870885
  15. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah and Shafy, Mohamed Affan (2020) Constructing an Islamic criminal law system in Malaysia. Mimbar Hukum, 32 (3). pp. 333-345. ISSN 0852-100X E-ISSN 2443-0994
  16. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2020) Forgiveness and restorative justice in Islam and the West: a comparative analysis. Islam and Civilisational Renewal, 11 (2). pp. 277-297. ISSN 2041-871X
  17. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2021) Hukuman ke atas pesalah muda di dalam kes-kes jenayah syariah di Malaysia: satu kajian kes di Selangor. In: Isu-isu semasa Fiqh Tempatan dalam Kekeluargaan. Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis, KUIPs, Kuala Perlis,Perlis, pp. 111-130. ISBN 978-967-2463-07-8
  18. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2020) Uqubah (punishment) in Islam: Malaysia & Pakistan. Pustaka Salam Sdn.Bhd., Selangor. ISBN 978-967-975-633-3
  19. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2020) Our constitution. By Shad Salem Faruqi. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (1). pp. 349-352. ISSN 01284878 E-ISSN 22895639
  20. Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2020) The administration of Islamic justice: position and jurisdiction of syariah court in Malaysia. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 8 (4). pp. 43-64. ISSN 2307-924X

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The administration of Islamic justice: position and jurisdiction of syariah court in Malaysia1866
2Hukuman ke atas pesalah muda di dalam kes-kes jenayah Syariah di Malaysia: satu kajian kes di negeri Selangor1627
3Keadilan restoratif dan retributif dalam syariah dan di malaysia: satu sorotan1571
4The concept of retributive and restorative justice in Islamic criminal law with reference to the Malaysian Syariah court1383
5Kepentingan penubuhan Jabatan Pendakwaan Syariah di Malaysia: kajian kes Negeri Kelantan1282
6Khalwat as a moral crime in Malaysia: issues and realities1234
7Hukuman mati dalam undang-undang jenayah Islam: mandatori atau pilihan1114
8Our constitution. By Shad Salem Faruqi1114
9Administration of estates in Malaysia: Law and procedure. By Akmal Hidayah Halim. Selangor, Malaysia: Sweet Maxwell & Asia, 2012, pp. 221. ISBN: 97896750408491087
10Counseling the apostates in Selangor: An overview1015
11Keadilan restoratif dan retributif mengikut ajaran Islam dan mahkamah syariah di Malaysia957
12Hisbah in Malaysia: preventing vices and immoralities903
13The doctrine of sanctity of life from Islamic perspective891
14Should fines also benefit victims? An evaluation of fines as a form of punishment in Malaysia with special reference to Islamic law890
15Wanita dan kehakiman Islam di Malaysia: satu sorotan885
16The characteristics of Islamic law in the era of Prophet and Khulafa' al Rashidin881
17The legal framework of Islamic criminal law in Aceh with reference to application, challenges and way forward = Kerangka undang-undang jenayah Islam di Aceh merujuk kepada aplikasi, cabaran dan jalan kehadapan854
18Forgiveness and restorative justice in Islam and the West: a comparative analysis838
19Hak suami mendisiplin isteri nusyuz menurut fiqh dan undang-undang Islam di Malaysia821
20Hukuman ke atas pesalah muda di dalam kes-kes jenayah syariah di Malaysia: satu kajian kes di Selangor814
21The implementation of al-amr bi al-maa’ruf wa an-nahy al-munkar in Malaysia: a special reference to the roles of Religious Enforcement Division808
22The application of Islamic criminal law in Aceh: challenges and way forward795
23Justifiability of remand detention provision in Syariah Criminal Procedure Enactment (2003): a case of Selangor791
24Constructing an Islamic criminal law system in Malaysia782
25The concept of retributive and restorative justice in Islamic criminal law with reference to the Malaysian Syariah Court768
26Women as shari’ah court judges: Malaysia and Indonesia761
27The Muslims of Thailand. By Michel Gilquin, Translated by Michael Smithies. Chiang Mai: IRASEC and Silkworm Books, 2005, pp. 164. ISBN: 974-9575-85-7. Reviewer: Ramizah Wan MuÍammad, Department of Islamic Laws, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia760
28Wife battering from an Islamic perspective and Malaysian legal provisions757
29Elak konflik mahkamah syariah, Jabatan Mufti756
30Uqubah (punishment) in Islam: Malaysia & Pakistan744