Dr Muhammad Abdurrahman Sadique
Latest Additions
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2024) Assigning capital in equity based financing ventures: the practice of interest free banks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (IJRISS), VIII (XI). pp. 3207-3213. ISSN 2454-6186
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2024) Persistence of Islamic banks in financing through creation of debt: causes and prospects. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance, 6 (3). pp. 237-245. E-ISSN 2682-812X
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2024) Methods of profit sharing in Interest-Free Banking: identifying areas of concern. In: International Conference on Science, Innovations and Global Solutions, 31st July 2024, Poland.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2023) Persistence of Islamic banks in promoting debt-oriented financing methods: a scrutiny. In: 4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Social Sciences, Education and Engineering (KLISEE2023), 30 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2023) Legal contrivances in Islamic legal texts: their classification and relevance to transactional expressions. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 28 (2). pp. 55-60. ISSN 2289-1560
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2023) A theoretical analysis of the essence and rationale of legal devices in Islamic law. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 28 (2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2289-1552
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman and Waseem, Mohammed (2022) Merging share capital with investment account funds in Islamic law: a scrutiny. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 8 (6). pp. 141-144. ISSN 2455-2070
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman and Waseem, Mohammed (2022) Legal composition of investment accounts in Islamic law: an appraisal. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 9 (12). pp. 73-76. ISSN 2349-5979 E-ISSN 2349-4182
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2022) Categorisation of legal contrivances in Islamic legal literature: relevance to formation of contracts and transactions. In: 27th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, Kuala Lumpur.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2022) Application of legal contrivances in contracts in Islamic law: reality and purpose. In: 27th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, 3-4 August 2022, Kuala Lumpur.
- Alahmary, Ayed Saad Ayed and Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2021) المسؤولية المدنية لمدير شركة الشخص الواحد في النظام السعودي والقانون الأردني. Journal of Islamic Shariah, 1 (3). pp. 1-40. E-ISSN 2773-5915
- El-Sheikh, Thaer Ayob and Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2021) اﻧﺘﻬﺎك إﺳﺮاﺋﻴﻞ ﻷﺣﻜﺎم وﻗﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن اﻟﺪوﱄ اﻹﻧﺴﺎﱐ ﰲ ﲪﺎﻳﺔ دور اﻟﻌﺒﺎدة أﺛﻨﺎء اﻟﻨﺰاﻋﺎت اﳌﺴلحة : دراسة قانونية تطبيقية. In: International Conference On Syariah & Law2021 (ICONSYAL 2021), Kuala Lumpur.
- Alahmary, Ayed Saad Ayed and Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2021) المسؤولية الجزائية لمدير شركة الشخص الواحد في النظام السعودي والقانون الأردني. Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 4 (3). pp. 184-226. E-ISSN 2637-0581
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2020) Islamic legal theory of joint ownership of property in commercial and non-commercial spheres. In: The 16th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social Sciences Conference (KLiCELS 16), Online conference.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2020) A comparative analysis of the fundamental theory of capital-based joint venture in Islamic law. In: The 16th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social Sciences Conference (KLiCELS 16), 12 Dec 2020, Online conference.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2020) Investment and entrepreneurship in Islamic law: a comparative analysis of the fundamental criteria. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, 8 (12). 09-17. ISSN 2321 - 9467
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2020) Exploring re-introduction of equity-based ethical modes of business: an Islamic approach. Journal of Research in Business and Management, 8 (12). pp. 8-13. E-ISSN 2347-3002
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2019) Joint proprietorship and business partnership (‘inan) in Islamic law: an analysis of the defining criteria. In: 2nd International Conference on Governance, Organization and Business ICGOB 2019, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2019) Contractual business partnership in Islamic law: a comparison of critical theoretical aspects. In: 2nd International Conference on Governance, Organization and Business ICGOB 2019, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
- Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2019) Revisiting the use of tawarruq as a means for liquidity: assessing fundamental concepts and prevalent applications. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 15 (1). pp. 81-101. ISSN 0973-2918