1 | General characteristics of Islamic philosophy of education: how it is relevant to society of globalizing world | 1581 |
2 | The role of zakat in social development | 1107 |
3 | نظرة الى اساليب بيان النص الشرعي : بحث في علوم أدلة التشرع المتعارضة في الفكر الإسلامي (دراسة تحليلية) (Nazrat ila asalib bayan al-nas al-shar'i : bahth fi 'ulum adillat al-tashri' al-muta'aridah fi al-fikr al-Islami (dirasah tahliliyah)) | 1014 |
4 | Genesis of scientific thinking in the Qur'an | 1011 |
5 | Conceptualization of health and diseas in Qur`anic context and its implications on modern medical practices | 984 |
6 | Islamization and integration of sciences: the Kuantan Campus | 969 |
7 | The major causes of research misconduct | 923 |
8 | Ethical discourse in the Qur'an: an analytical study of the term Huda in Izutsu's conceptualization | 890 |
9 | Formation of the systematic mind in the Islamic thought: the case of Ibn Khaldun
| 867 |
10 | Fundamentals of the Islamic medical philosophy | 865 |
11 | The scientific thinking in Islam: factors of flourishing and decline | 862 |
12 | Inspirations of the religious worldview for sustainable development | 855 |
13 | Foundations of scientific thinking in Islamic tradition: its implications on thought, behaviour, and action | 847 |
14 | Al-Adalah wa-mazahir al-khalal fi al-hadarah al-mua`sirah (العدالة ومظاهر الخلل في الحضارة المعصارة) | 843 |
15 | The conceptual approach on integration of Islamic values in the practice of medical and healthcare professtions | 839 |
16 | The scientific discourse in Islamic civilization and postmodernism | 833 |
17 | Artificial neural network and its Islamic relevance | 829 |
18 | Systemization of knowledge inquiry in Islamic thought: the case of Al-Raghib Al-Asfahani | 815 |
19 | Exposing the religious worldview for sustainable built environment | 804 |
20 | Nazariyyat al-'iqab al-tashri'i baina al-tashkal al-tarikhi wal-wa'i al-maqsudi (نظرية العقاب التشريعي بين التشكل التاريخي والوعي المقصدي) | 803 |
21 | Exposing the old theories of IOK to new candidates : an analytical reflection on IIUM philosophy of knowledge | 800 |
22 | Challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence technologies in Islamic education systems | 786 |
23 | Contribution of the Islamic multiculturalism in scientific enterprise | 775 |
24 | The scientific view of the Holy Qur`an = نظرة علمية عن القرآن الكريم | 774 |
25 | The basic structure of ethical norms | 764 |
26 | The nature of forensic ethics in bioanalytical science | 763 |
27 | Fiqh al-waqaf baina itarah al-qanuni wa-daurihi al-iqtisadi al-manshud =فقه "الوقف" بين إطاره القانوني ودوره الإقتصادي المنشود | 762 |
28 | Ta'arud al-adillah al-shar'iyyah fi al-fikr al-Islamiتعارض الأدلة الشرعية في الفكر الإسلامي | 760 |
29 | Basic structure and system of values | 757 |
30 | Muqawimat al-fikir al-tarbawi fi zill al-mutaghayyirat (مقومات الفكر التربوي الإسلامي في ظل المتغيرات) | 754 |