IIUM Repository

Prof Dr Osman Bakar


International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC)

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Philosophy of Science, Science and Religion, Epistemology, Civilisational Studies

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Latest Additions

  1. Khan, Muhammad Kalim Ullah and Bakar, Osman (2023) Afghan and Pakistani Taliban: a comparative study of their political ideology and religious affiliations. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (2). pp. 259-280. ISSN 1394-6870
  2. Ali, Md Yousuf and Bakar, Osman (2023) Abul Kalam Azad’s idea of religious pluralism for an inclusive Indian nationalism: a civilizational revisit. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (2). pp. 343-365. ISSN 1394-6870
  3. Bakar, Osman and Uktambek, Sultonov and Avazbek, Ganiyev (2023) Central Asian Waqf studies during colonial soviet, and independence periods: a literature review. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (1). pp. 97-117. ISSN 1394-6870
  4. Bakar, Osman (2023) Islamic philosophy, Prophetic Intelligence, and the AI agenda. In: The Muslim 500: the world's 500 most influential Muslims. The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, pp. 197-201. ISBN 978-9957-635-69-5
  5. Bakar, Osman (2023) Foreword. In: Tracing Persian Sufi Literature in Hamzah Fansuri’s Writings. The Other Press, Petaling Jaya, ix-xii. ISBN 9789670957500
  6. Bakar, Osman (2023) Ke arah memperluaskan wawasan dan agenda pendidikan umat Islam Kampuchea: sebuah saranan strategik. In: Strategi Pembangunan Masyarakat Kampuchea. Ikatan Pembangunan Muslim Selangor - ASMAK, Kajang, pp. 144-164. ISBN 978-623-8091-17-1
  7. Bakar, Osman and Baharuddin, Azizan, eds. (2023) Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): application of religion and science to ecology and sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD), UM, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
  8. Bakar, Osman (2023) Quranic ecology: key ideas. In: Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD), UM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 25-38. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
  9. Bakar, Osman (2023) Introductory speech. In: Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD)., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
  10. Bakar, Osman (2022) Environmental wisdom for Planet Earth: the Islamic heritage. Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, and Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789672795001
  11. Bakar, Osman (2022) New Preface. In: Environmental Wisdom for Planet Earth: The Islamic Heritage. Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, and Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, vii-viii. ISBN 9789672795001
  12. Bakar, Osman (2022) Kata Pengantar. In: Manusia dan Alam Tabii: Kemelut Ruhani Manusia Moden ("Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man" by S.H. Nasr). Translated by Khairul Anam; Edited by Alina Abdullah (Original work published in 1968). Inisiatif Buku Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, xii-xx. ISBN 9789672672319
  13. Bakar, Osman (2022) The clash of artificial and natural intelligences: will it impoverish wisdom? In: The Muslim 500: The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims, 2023. The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan, pp. 218-222. ISBN 978-9957-635-64-0
  14. Bakar, Osman (2022) The concept of human microcosm: Exploring possibilities of a synthesis of traditional and modern biomedicine. In: Islam and Biomedicine. Philosophy and Medicine, 137 (1). Springer Cham, pp. 63-77. ISBN 978-3-030-53800-2
  15. Sapiee, Radzi and Bakar, Osman (2022) Scientific history in pre-modern civilizations: a critical review. Al-Shajarah, 27 (2). pp. 351-369. ISSN 1394-6870
  16. Bakar, Osman (2022) Book Review: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol 2: The Mind. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (1). pp. 200-204. ISSN 1394-6870
  17. Bakar, Osman and Khan, Muhammad Kalim Ullah (2022) Religious authority, Iftā’ culture, and Sectarianism in modern Pakistan: the impact of its intra-Islamic pluralism. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (1). pp. 53-75. ISSN 1394-6870
  18. Bakar, Osman (2021) Book Review: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical World. Al-Shajarah: Journal of ISTAC, 26 (1). pp. 136-140. ISSN 1394-6870
  19. Bakar, Osman (2019) Kata Pengantar. In: Tabiat Kediktatoran dan Keruduman Perhambaan - Abdul Rahman Al-Kawakibi (1854-1902) [Terjemahan Marwan Bukhari A. Hamid]. Maqasid Institute Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, vii-xiv. ISBN 9789671558935
  20. Bakar, Osman (2021) Kata Pengantar. In: Tao Te Ching, “Risalah Perihal Tao dan Keunggulannya”, Terjemahan daripada bahasa Cina oleh Hazman Baharom. The Biblio Press Enterprise, Kuala Lumpur, iii-x. ISBN 978-967-18976-6-9

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1Multiculturalism: a Malaysian perspective1248
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4The civilisational history of the Malay archipelago: arguing for a new narrative1023
5Islam in China and the challenge of sinicization of religion—past and present978
6Al-Ghazali Chair of Islamic Thought Inaugural Lecture: advancing comparative epistemology and civilisational and futures studies973
7Covid-19 and Darwin: a response to Pervez Hoodbhoy962
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10The link between coronavirus and Darwin according to Pervez Hoodbhoy: a critical response911
11Classifications of knowledge in Islam: a study in Islamic schools of epistemology (reprint with new preface)906
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15The concept of human microcosm: exploring possibilities of a synthesis of traditional and modern biomedicine771
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18Syed Ahmad Khan’s twin objectives of educational reforms in British India: muslim advancement and Hindu-Muslim unity653
19Kata Pengantar617
20Environmental wisdom for Planet Earth: the Islamic heritage602
21Book Review: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol 2: The Mind563
22Introduction to New 2019 Edition539
23Religious authority, Iftā’ culture, and Sectarianism in modern Pakistan: the impact of its intra-Islamic pluralism516
24The concept of human microcosm: Exploring possibilities of a synthesis of traditional and modern biomedicine504
25The clash of artificial and natural intelligences: will it impoverish wisdom?501
26Scientific history in pre-modern civilizations: a critical review500
27Book Review: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical World496
28Kata Pengantar477
29Islamic philosophy, Prophetic Intelligence, and the AI agenda450
30Quranic ecology: key ideas422