IIUM Repository

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Azeez Kadar Hamsa


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Latest Additions

  1. Wan Mohd Najib, Wan Zafirah and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2021) Factors influencing bicycle use in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Gombak Campus. Journal of Architecture Planning and Construction Management, 11 (1). pp. 37-53. ISSN 2231-9514 E-ISSN 2462-2222
  2. Zen, Irina Safitri and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Ibrahim, Mansor and Muslim, Raudhatun Najihah and Mohamad Sakri, Nor Aziman and Abang Razali, Dayang Rifhan Zakirah (2021) Reviewing the existing structure plan for facilitating the growing changes in the economic, social and environmental needs of Negeri Sembilan. Design Ideals Journal, 3 (1). pp. 48-56. E-ISSN 2735-1785
  3. Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Ibrahim, Mansor and Zen, Irina Safitri and Sulwani, Mirza and Ishak, Nurul Iman and Zakir, Muhammad Irham (2021) High impact projects of state structure plan of Negeri Sembilan2045–towards balanced and sustained economic growth. Design Ideals Journal, 3 (1). pp. 41-47. E-ISSN 2735-1785
  4. Mohd Azwari, Nur Farhanatul Syasya and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2021) Evaluating actual speed against the permissible speed of vehicles during free-flow traffic conditions. Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering), 33 (2). pp. 183-191. ISSN 0128-0198 E-ISSN 2289-7526
  5. Jaff, Mootaz M. and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2021) Exploratory factor analysis on advantages and disadvantages of potential female telecommuters in Kuala Lumpur. Asian Transport Studies, 7. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2185-5560
  6. Jaff, Mootaz M. and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2021) Application of logistic regression model to determine the ability to telecommute by female employees. In: TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 27 January 2021, Washington, D.C. USA.
  7. Rosli, Nur Syazwani and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2020) Assessing the public transit service performance of an intra-city bus route in Malaysia. In: 5th International Conference on Research for Transport and Logistics Industry, 21st November 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  8. Jaafar Sidek, Mohd Farid and Bakri, Fatahsha Amira and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Nik Othman, Nik Nurul 'Aziemah and Mohd. Noor, Norzailawati and Ibrahim, Mansor (2020) Socio-economic and travel characteristics of transit users at Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) stations. Transportation Research Procedia, 48. pp. 1931-1955. ISSN 2352-1465
  9. Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2020) Urban traffic system, 2nd ed. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-491-050-1
  10. Wan Mohd Najib, Wan Zafirah and Mohd. Noor, Norzailawati and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2020) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) planning analysis by integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) approach. Journal of Architecture Planning and Construction Management, 10 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2231-9514 E-ISSN 2462-2222
  11. Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Ibrahim, Mansor and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Zen, Irina Safitri and Mohd Ikbal, Nurul Ain Nazihah and Abdullah, Nur Shahida and Mohd Nor, Farah Husna (2020) A review on the states structure plan of Selangor 2035 : radial economic nucleus. Design Ideals, 2 (1). pp. 57-64.
  12. Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Ibrahim, Mansor and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Zen, Irina Safitri and Bajrai, Aaliyah and Ariffuddin, Ahmad and Ikram, Ahmad Zul (2020) Selangor state structure plan (SSP) : a way forward to 2035. Design Ideals, 2 (1). pp. 49-56.
  13. M.Jaff, Mootaz and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2020) Modeling female employees’ ability to telecommute in Kuala Lumpur. In: 8th Transport Research Arena (TRA2020), 27th-30th April 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
  14. Rosli, Nur Najiah Azhani and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2019) Evaluating the effects of road hump on the speed of vehicles in an institutional environment. In: The 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) 2019, 9th-12th September, 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished)
  15. Mustafa, Nur Asiah and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2019) Evaluating the effects of road hump on speed and noise level at a university setting. In: The 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) 2019, 9th-12th September, 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished)
  16. Jaafar Sidek, Mohd Farid and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Hj. Mohd. Noor, Norzailawati and Ibrahim, Mansor (2019) Identification of factors towards contributing frequency of walking to access urban rail transit station. In: The 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) 2019, 9th-12th September, 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  17. Bakri, Fatahsha Amira and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2019) The effects of land use characteristics on passenger ridership of rail-based transit oriented development in Kuala Lumpur. In: The 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) 2019, 9th-12th September, 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  18. Jaffar Sidek, Mohd Farid and Bakri, Fatahsha Amira and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez and Nik Othman, Nik Nurul 'Aziemah and Hj. Mohd. Noor, Norzailawati and Ibrahim, Mansor (2019) Socio-economic and travel characteristics of transit users at transit-oriented development (TOD) stations. In: 15th World Conference on Transport Researcb, 26th-31st May 2019, Mumbai, India. (Unpublished)
  19. Bakri, Fatahsha Amira and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2018) A theoretical review of land use characteristics on the use of rail-based public transport in Kuala Lumpur. In: 13th Malaysian Universities Transport Research Forum Confernce 2018, 3-4 October 2018, Universiti Malaya. (Unpublished)
  20. Mustafa, Nur Asiah and Kadar Hamsa, Abdul Azeez (2018) A review of literature on the effects of road hump on traffic speed and traffic noise in institutional area. In: 13th Malaysian Universities Transport Research Forum Conference 2018, 3-4 October 2018, Universiti Malaya. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1A study on parking space utilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia1091
2Selangor state structure plan (SSP) : a way forward to 20351015
3A review on the states structure plan of Selangor 2035 : radial economic nucleus926
4Assessing traffic management measures in the city roads of Kuala Lumpur894
5The effect of road hump in reducing speed of motorcars in a residential area in Kuala Lumpur870
6A theoretical review in evaluating the impact of traffic calming measures on the residential living environment862
7Socio-economic and travel characteristics of transit users at Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) stations854
8Evaluation of land use density, diversity and ridership of rail based public transportation system850
9Evaluating the effects of road hump on the speed of vehicles in an institutional environment847
10Urban traffic system847
11Analysis on pedestrian volume pattern and pedestrian infrastructure provision in IIUM Gombak campus 836
12A theoretical review on sustainable transportation strategies: the role of park and ride facility as a generator of public transport mode shift821
13Identification of factors towards contributing frequency of walking to access urban rail transit station818
14Parking utilization pattern of park and ride facility at public transportation terminals812
15Evaluating the effects of exclusive bus lanes on passenger ridership and travel time in Kuala Lumpur city roads790
16Users' perceptions on parking utilization pattern at park-and-ride facility in Putrajaya Sentral784
17Effects of road humps on traffic speed and noise in Putrajaya residential areas781
18High impact projects of state structure plan of Negeri Sembilan2045–towards balanced and sustained economic growth778
19A theoretical overview of road hump effects on traffic speed in improving residential living environment777
20Modeling the effects of factors on the willingness of female employees to telecommute in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia773
21Socio-economic and travel characteristics of transit users at transit-oriented development (TOD) stations772
22Theoretical review on the relationship between pedestrian infrastructure design and passenger ridership under rail-based transit oriented development768
23Evaluation of land use density, diversity and ridership of rail based public transportation system764
24Analysis of traffic flow characteristics in a university setting763
25The effect of land use density, diversity and pedestrian infrastructure design to rail transit ridership in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia760
26Urban traffic system, 2nd ed.756
27Telecommuting and transportation: relationship and implications748
28Summary on the Effect of Density, Diversity and Pedestrian Infrastructure on the Use of Rail-based Urban Public Transport744
29Analysing factors influencing stated preference of the administrative and academic employees towards telecommuting in IIUM Campus, Gombak742
30The effect of land use and pedestrian infrastructures design on pedestrian-based transit ridership (PBTR) at urban rail transit station. A case study in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia740