IIUM Repository

Dr. NUR KAMARIAH Abdul Wahid

Assistant Professor

Business & Administration

Kulliyyah of Economics & Management Sciences, International Islamic University

Spiritual Leadership, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Positive Psychological Capital, Workplace Spirituality, Workplace values, Case studies

19 years working experience in the telecommunication industry before joining the academic sector in 2016, enable the ability to translate theory into practical and vice versa on the strength which developed on applied and experiential learning.

PhD in Strategic and Policy (University Malaya), with hands on exposure as a Project Manager, Product Specialist, and Business Development Executive.

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Latest Additions

  1. Abdullah, Siti Salmiah and Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah (2025) e-CRM and e-loyalty: a case study in Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC). IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 16 (1). pp. 68-75. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
  2. Abdullah, Siti Salmiah and Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Abdul Razak, Arbaiah and Jan, Muhammad Tahir (2024) The influence of electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) on customer satisfaction (CS) and customer loyalty (CL): a pilot study in Malaysian private institute of higher learning. Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management, 6 (2). pp. 58-70. E-ISSN 2682-8510
  3. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Wan Husain, Wan Rohaida (2023) The limited-edition or what they call "Scarcity Marketing": propaganda or a promotional strategy through "FOMO" thinking. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
  4. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Abdul Sabian, Nur Arfifah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2022) Operationalizing ulul albab on a spiritual leader: a case of TV AlHijrah Malaysia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4 (2). pp. 87-95. ISSN 2746-0037 E-ISSN 2722-2330
  5. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah (2021) Self reflection on talk: sustaining Islamic personality in today‘s troubling world by Prof. Akmal Khuzairy Abdul Rahman. In: Economics and management sciences: reflections on humanizing education. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 101-105. ISBN 978-967-26219-1-1
  6. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah (2021) Humanizing education: reflecting the Sejahtera Academic Framework based on the psychosocial needs of students. In: Economics and Management Sciences: reflections on humanizing education. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 52-58. ISBN 978-967-26219-1-1
  7. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Mohd Mustamil, Norizah and Mustaffa, Nur Fariza (2019) A study on the influence of spiritual leadership on knowledge sharing behavior within telecommunication industry in Malaysia. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7 (1). pp. 87-98. E-ISSN 2395-6518
  8. Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Mohd Mustamil, Norizah and Mustaffa, Nur Fariza (2019) A study on the influence of spiritual leadership on knowledge sharing behavior within telecommunication industry in Malaysia. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7 (1). pp. 87-98. E-ISSN 2395-6518
  9. Kasim, Nurkamariah (2011) Cases studies in management accounting. In: Case Studies as a Teaching-Learning Tool in Accounting and Marketing Courses : an Instructor's Perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 33-40. ISBN 978-967-418-186-4