IIUM Repository

Dr. Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah Jamaludin

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing

Kulliyyah of Nursing

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Latest Additions

  1. Ariyanto, Heri and Ayunitias, Imelda and Patima, Patima and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nik Mohd Hatta, Nik Noor Kaussar and Shahadan, Siti Zuhaidah and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Nurumal, Mohd. Said (2025) Mobile health information technology for physical activity education during cardiac rehabilitation: a scoping review. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Nursing Science, 1 (1). pp. 25-42.
  2. Mat Isa, Rif'atunnailah and Chong, Mei Chan and Lee, Wan Ling and Iqbal, Tajunisah and Saiful Suhardi, Mohd Iman and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Roslim, Nurul Afieda (2025) The outcome of diabetic retinopathy health education program in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a quasi-experimental study. Health Education Research, 40 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0268-1153 E-ISSN 1465-3648
  3. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Hassan, Masmunaa and Win, Kyu Kyu and Sutrisno, Resti Yulianti (2025) Sustainable education for refugee children: a quasi-experimental study. Proceedings Series on Health & Medical Sciences (6). pp. 221-227. ISSN 2808-1021
  4. Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Mohd Nor, Mahirah and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Noviani, Wulan and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah (2025) Knowledge, attitude, practice, and barriers toward performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillation (AED) among school teachers. Proceedings Series on Health & Medical Sciences, 6. pp. 207-220. ISSN 2808-1021
  5. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Oo, Saw Than Htaik (2024) Optimizing transducer system changes in the intensive care settings: a call for standardization. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (3). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2600-898X
  6. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Mohamad Sukeri, Siti Hajar and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Win, Kyu Kyu and Noviani, Wulan (2024) Undergraduate nursing and healthcare students’ perception of soft skills assessment in OSCE: a systematic review. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (3). pp. 145-176. ISSN 2600-898X
  7. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah (2024) Memperkasakan kanak-kanak sekolah dengan kemahiran asas menyelamatkan nyawa. IIUM in the News.
  8. Sutrisno, Resti Yulianti and Suryana, Baruna Hendri and Sutantri, Sutantri and Sugiyo, Dianita and Choliq, Idham and Aditjondro, Enrico and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Wulandari, Bertha Tesma (2024) The effect of educational videos depicting the impact of smoking on young adults smokers: a qualitative study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 25 (10). pp. 3583-3588. ISSN 1513-7368
  9. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd Said and Ahmad, Norfadzilah and Muhammad, Siti Aesah @ Naznin and Chong, Mei Chan (2024) Soft skill components in structured nursing clinical skill assessment on assisted procedures: a clinical audit. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (2). pp. 24-30. ISSN 2600-898X
  10. Nurumal, Mohd Said and Rohim, Muhammad Aiman and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Shorey, Shefaly and Noviani, Wulan (2024) The first-time fathers’ experiences in early fatherhood: a descriptive qualitative study. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (2). pp. 56-68. ISSN 2600-898X
  11. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Sanusi, Zainal Abidin and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Firdaus, Mohd Khairul Zul Hasymi and Che Abdullah, Che Azunie and Win, Kyu Kyu and Sutrisno, Resti Yulianti (2024) Essential life-saving skills for schoolchildren: a scoping review. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (2). pp. 111-119. ISSN 2600-898X
  12. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Kyu, Kyu Win and Noviani, Wulan (2024) Sustainable education for refugees children: a literature review. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (1). pp. 102-110. ISSN 2600-898X
  13. Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Mat Isa, Rif'atunnailah and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Abdul Hamid, Abdul Alif and Win, Kyu Kyu and Noviani, Wulan (2024) Exploring the prehospital care competency of emergency and trauma department personnel at SASMEC@IIUM. Community Practitioner, 21 (3). pp. 150-164. ISSN 1462-2815
  14. Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Mat Isa, Rif'atunnailah and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Abdul Hamid, Abdul Alif and Win, Kyu Kyu and Noviani, Wulan (2024) The effectiveness of the in-house prehospital care training program for the emergency medical team. Community Practitioner, 21 (3). pp. 165-172. ISSN 1462-2815
  15. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Ahmad, Norfadzilah and Muhammad, Siti Aesah @ Naznin and Chong, Mei Chan (2024) Soft skill components in structured nursing clinical skill assessment on aseptic procedures: a clinical audit. In: 7th International Conference on Nursing Science and Healthcare, 15th - 16th February 2024, India.
  16. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Agung, Rejecky and Puspitowarno, Puspitowarno and Aqila Fadiya, Hayati Rusydi and Nur, Chayati (2023) Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Physical Exercise sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Tingkat Kelelahan dan Stres Warga Kampus International Islamic University Malaysia Health Education and Physical Exercise as an Effort to Reduce Fatigue and Stress Levels for Residents of the International Islamic University Malaysia Campus. Assoeltan: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement. ISSN 3031-7126 (In Press)
  17. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Abd Talib, Muhammad Lufti and Che Hasan, Muhammad Kamil and Adnan, Mohd Syafwan and Mohd. Shah, Aida Nur Sharini and Shorey, Shefaly (2024) Knowledge and skills of prehospital care personnel in Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre@IIUM: a crosssectional survey. Community Practitioner, 21 (1). pp. 308-320. ISSN 1462-2815
  18. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said (2023) The need for formal education for refugee children. In: Agents of Change Towards Sustainability. Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-295. ISBN 978- 967- 19408- 3-9
  19. Mat Isa, Rif'atunnailah and Chong, Mei Chan and Lee, Wan Ling and Mohamed Iqbal, Tajunisah Begam and Jamaludin, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah and Saiful Suhardi, Mohd Iman (2023) Nurse-led interventions for diabetes education: a literature review. International Journal of care Scholars, 6 (3). ISSN 2600-898X
  20. Jamaludin, Thandar Soe @ Sumaiyah and Nurumal, Mohd. Said and Ahmad, Norfadzilah (2023) The art of nursing: time to resuscitate. International Journal of Care Scholars, 6 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2600-898X

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Knowledge, awareness and attitude of first aid among health sciences university students1652
2A literature review on knowledge, awareness and attitude related to first aid among university students1615
3The impact of electronic gadget uses with academic performance among secondary school students1430
4The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on nursing education among nursing students: a systematic review1148
5Knowledge and practice of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for drowning victims among primary school children1076
6University students’ knowledge, awareness, and perception on tuberculosis (TB) disease: A literature review1035
7Soft skills elements in structured clinical skill assessment: a qualitative study1020
8Soft skill elements in structured clinical nursing assessment for undergraduate nursing student: a systematic review913
9CPR drowning education for school children living in the coastal community towards improving their well being: a scoping review912
10Medication adherence and concordance among diabetes patient: a mini review905
11Usage of Internet for academic purposes on university students’ achievement: A literature review904
12Knowledge, awareness, and perception towards tuberculosis disease among International Islamic University Malaysia students.888
13Managing a client with chocking879
14Knowledge, awareness and attitude related to first aid among IIUM Kuantan campus students868
15A study of factors influencing eye screening: Descriptive findings849
16The impact of perceived social support on quality of life in patient awaiting for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery837
17Survey on patient’s satisfaction on the service quality in an emergency department in Malaysia836
18Soft skill elements in structured clinical nursing assessment for undergraduate nursing students: a systematic review832
19Knowledge, awareness and perception of coronary heart disease (CHD) among residents in Kuantan.832
20The prevalence of hypertension during Ramadan816
21Workshop on critical care outreach services (CCSO) to community care nurses:management of ICU survivor with nutritional impairment815
22Factor influencing decision for eye screening among diabetes patients: a review815
23Knowledge and attitude on the usage of traditional complimentary medicine (TCM) among patients with diabetes mellitus in Kuantan, Malaysia808
24The effect of fasting during Ramadan towards improvement of type 2 Diabetes mellitus797
25Providing basic "CPR" in emergency situation795
26Toolkit for community groups: promoting the well-being of migrants & displaced persons794
27A review on knowledge of diabetes and practice of medication adherence among people living with diabetes mellitus791
28Knowledge, attitude and practice on sexual health among students of Centre for Foundation Studies784
29Body mass index on musculoskeletal pain and physical activity among elderly780
30Factors affect the social engagement among community dwelling older person: community nurses perspective.776