IIUM Repository

Dr. Maularna Akbar Shah

Fundamental and Inter-Disciplinary Studies, (FIDS)

International Islamic University Malaysia IIUM

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Latest Additions

  1. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah and -, Yu Thin Zar Maw (2023) Child health care. In: Enhancing Spiritual and Physical Development of the Children. First, One (1). International Institute for Muslim Unity, Malaysia, pp. 163-201. ISBN 978-967-25504-7-1
  2. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah and Thu Aung, Phoo Pwint (2023) A close study on domestic violence against women: Islamic perspectives and remedies. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, 7 (2). pp. 137-151. E-ISSN 2600-8386
  3. Shah @ U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar and Sulaiman, Kabuye Uthman, eds. (2023) Enhancing the spiritual & physical development of children. International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU), IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-25504-7-1
  4. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) Exclusive interview with Prof. Dato' Dr. Koutoubou Moustapha Sano, Secretary General of International Islamic Fiqh Academy, OIC, Saudi Arabia, (PhD., AIKOL 1996). Reach, 1/2023 (1). pp. 1-66. ISSN 1076218X
  5. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) Key factors for developing progressive youth. AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  6. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) Towards establishing an Integrated Educational System in Madarasas of Myanmar. In: Symposium on Education & Economic Development Plan for the Young Myanmar Muslims (2023), 28-29-Junary 2023, Batu Pahat. (Unpublished)
  7. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) The concept of ethics and fiqh. In: 1st International Conference of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR 2023), 25-26 January, 2023, Lahore, Garrison University, Pakistan. (Unpublished)
  8. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) A Threat of Polarization: Race, Religion, and Reform. In: INVITATION TO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION: FOSTERING THE PHILOSOPHY OF CO-EXISTENCE IN THE 21TH CENTURY, 17 August 2023, Ash Shafie Hall, IRK Building, IIUM. (Unpublished)
  9. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2023) What is economy, the Islamic Economy and Muamalat. In: The International Conference on Islamic Thought (PEMIKIR 3), 26/7/2023, Batu Pahat. (Unpublished)
  10. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2022) Empowering women: developing social status of women refugees living in Malaysia. In: International Conference: Empowering Women: Developing Social Status of Women Refugees living in Malaysia., 10, December, 2022, Banquet Hall, IIUM. (Unpublished)
  11. Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @ (2022) Spiritual development in family management. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 89-107. E-ISSN 2637-0581
  12. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2022) Observation of ethical values promoting Human Psychology from the panorama of Revelation and Tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). In: SAP 2021, 04 August 2021, Face 2 Face. (Unpublished)
  13. Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @ (2021) Creating sustainable development at Kampung Tengah, Gombak. Creating sustainable development at Kampung Tengah, Gombak, 16 October 2021.
  14. Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @ (2021) A philosophical approach to spiritual development in family management. In: SAP 2021:, 05 August 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
  15. Maulana Akbar Shah @ U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2021) Islam, state, security and peaceful co-existence in Myanmar. In: Civil Society Organizations Against Terrorism, Case Study from Asia. Francis & Taylor Informa UK Limited Trading, Routledge, London. ISBN ISBN 9780367712792 (In Press)
  16. Maulana Akbar Shah @ U Tun Aung, Maulana (2021) دور الشباب في الدبلوماسية الثقافية العمانية بالمنظمات الدولية: المدارس العمانية المنتسبة لليونسكو أنموذجا = The role of young people in Omani cultural diplomacy with international organizations: Omani schools affiliated with UNESCO. The role of young people in Omani cultural diplomacy with international organizations: Omani schools affiliated with UNESCO. (In Press)
  17. Ahmad al-Habsi, Salim Hilal Ahmed and U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2021) دور الدبلوماسية الثقافية العمانية في تعزيز الهوية العربية الإسلامية. = The role of Omani cultural diplomacy in promoting Arab-Islamic identity. Tawasol Magazine, 31. pp. 1-36. (In Press)
  18. Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @ (2020) Embracing diversity in Islam. In: Darul Arqam, Convert Association of Singapore Online Sharing Session, 27th September 2020, Singapore. (Unpublished)
  19. U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2020) Developing future leaders, responsibilities of parents and the society. Times Mirror : English Section. pp. 174-188.
  20. Maulana Akbar Shah @ U Tun Aung, Maulana (2020) Enhancing physical wellbeing of children: awareness on common disease and relevant health care activities. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research (Scholarship Advancement Project 2020), 28th August 2020, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Muslims in Myanmar829
2Euthanasia from Islamic perspective: ending life of a patient who's recovery is absolutely impossible816
3Ethics, fiqh and contemporary issues744
4The factors for the rise of the Islamic civilization716
5Islamic da'wah through a creative ideological approach712
6Medical profession and practices of intentionally ending a life from Islamic perspective646
7Islamic da'wah through a creative ideological approach642
8Philanthropy (tabarru’at) in Islam and its four shari’ah objectives629
9Transformation of Myanmar Muslim community: Singapore as a role-model614
10A study of culture of Muslims in Myanmar: collection of cultural resources for national identity612
11دور الدبلوماسية الثقافية العمانية في تعزيز الهوية العربية الإسلامية. = The role of Omani cultural diplomacy in promoting Arab-Islamic identity.585
12Colours of humanity583
13Euthanasia, abortion, in vitro fertilization, LGBT571
14Are Rohingya citizens of Myanmar?569
15Agree to disagree: in the context of on going global religious conflicts563
16Da’wah, propagation of Islamic message through marshalling constructive bahaviours and positive attitudes562
17Internet usage from Islamic perspective: a preliminary survey with first year medical students, Kuantan Campus, Pahang 2015549
18Embracing diversity in Islam547
19Empowering youth: developing spiritual and intellectual enhancement in youth542
20Da’wah, propagation of Islamic message through marshalling constructive bahavours and positive attidutes541
21Creative methodology of da’wah through different phases of human’s life538
22Factors behind the rise of Islamic civilization: in the light of Badiuzzaman said Nursi’s thought528
23Creative methodologies of da’wah through different phases of a human’s life = Metodologi dakwah secara kreatif mengikut fasa kehidupan manusia527
24Islam in China seas: Islam and Muslims in Myanmar524
25Islam in China Seas:Islam and Muslims in Myammar522
26Talks on comparative study on Muslim community in Myanmar513
27Developing future leaders, responsibilities of parents and the society505
28Why we are not satisfied: in the context of declining factors of ummah481
29The world most oppressed community, Rohingya480
30Islam, state, security and peaceful co-existence in Myanmar457