IIUM Repository

Dr. AMILAH Awang Abd Rahman

Usul Al-Din and Comparative Religion

International Islamic University Malaysia

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Latest Additions

  1. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2023) Prinsip 'Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan' lahirkan modal insan unggul. Berita Harian, Rencana (2 Oktober 2023). p. 12.
  2. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2021) Ulasan buku Su’al al-Akhlaq dan kebangkitan pemikiran falsafah moral islam di abad ke-21. Kesturi (Jurnal AKademi Sains Islam Malaysia), 31 (1 & 2). pp. 132-144.
  3. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2021) Islam and morality: a philosophical introduction by Oliver Leaman. Intellectual Discourse, 29 (2). pp. 379-382. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
  4. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah and Embong, Rahimah and Hashim, Huda Afiqah (2021) The elemental root of creative and innovative thinking based on Islamic morality. Germane: Global Jurnal of Educational Research & Management, 1 (4). pp. 193-209. E-ISSN 2805-4695
  5. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2018) Demarcation of ethics and law: a theoretical framework that recaptures the primary role of akhlāq Islamiyyah. The Islamic Quarterly, 62 (4). pp. 575-605. ISSN 0021-1842
  6. Amilah, Awang Abd Rahman (2021) The ethical perspective of Hannah Arendt's Vita Activa: an analysis. In: Malaysian 9th Philosophy Seminar, 4th-6th September 2021, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  7. Awang Abd Rahman, AMILAH (2021) Rethinking maqasid Shari'ah: an analysis of Taha Abdur Rahman's thought. In: Online Special Webinar on Usul al-Din, Islamic Thought and Comparative Religion, Online (Zoom). (Unpublished)
  8. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2021) Al-Akhlaq al-Islamiyyah as a universal blueprint for post-Covid-19 ethics and morality: prospects and challenges. In: 6 th International Fikrah Annual Conference, 24 November 2021, Online (Zoom). (Unpublished)
  9. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2021) Religion and the moral being of man: a critical analysis on Said Nursi's thought and its relevance in addressing the postmodern claims against religious morality. Journal of Risale-i Nur Studies, 2021 July (7). ISSN 2636-8897
  10. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2021) Free will versus belief in qadr? the response of Sa‘Id Nursi and its modern relevance. AFKAR : Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, 23 (1). pp. 139-166. ISSN 1511-8819 E-ISSN 2550-1775
  11. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah and Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2020) Were the early Firaq extremists? rethinking the history of Muslim disagreement(s). Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JIMT), 10 (1 (Spring)). pp. 46-65. ISSN 2075-0943 E-ISSN 2520-0313
  12. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2020) Between the classical Mu'tazilites and neo-Mu'tazilites: an analysis of Harun Nasution’s modern Islamic thought in Indonesia. Journal of Nusantara Studies (Jonus), 5 (1). pp. 336-355. E-ISSN 0127-9386
  13. Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2019) Evolving 'ilm al-akhlaq into a modern discipline of knowledge: prospects and challenges. In: International Conference on Future of Education: Challenges of Traditional and Modern Approaches (ICFE 2019), 12th-13rd October 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  14. Shah, Qutub and Awang Abd Rahman, Amilah (2017) مفهوم جزاء الأعمال عند البوذية والإسلام. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-496-4
  15. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2018) Exploring the primary aim of ethics in good governance: maintaining compliance or striving for excellence and innovation. In: International Conference On “Religion, Culture And Governance In The Contemporary World” (ICRCG2018), 3rd-4th October 2018, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  16. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2018) Is integration of ethics in Islam with social sciences viable? exploring the meaning and nature of al-akhlaq from the Quranic and Muslim ethicists' perspectives = Adakah integrasi ilmu etika dalam Islam dengan sains kemasyarakatan berdaya maju? eksplorasi makna dan ciri-ciri al-Akhlaq dari perspektif al-Qur’an dan pakar ilmu etika Muslim. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (3: Special Issue: Integration of Islamic Revealed Knowledge into Humanities and Social Sciences). pp. 383-400. E-ISSN 2289-8077
  17. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah and Awang, Abdul Bari (2018) Exploring the dynamism of the Waqf institution in Islam: a critical analysis of cash Waqf implementation in Malaysia. In: International Conference on History and Governance of Awqaf (ICHGA 2018), 4th-5th July 2018, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  18. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2018) Tips akhlak wanita berkarier. In: Tips wanita menuju syurga. Cahaya Hati Training & Consultancy, Batu Caves, Selangor, pp. 181-208. ISBN 978-967-15111-3-8
  19. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2018) Recapturing the meaning of Akhlāq Islamiyah: an analysis of the article “akhlak” in the Encyclopedia of Islam. Al-Itqan, 2 (2). pp. 21-39. E-ISSN 2600-8432
  20. Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2015) The role of Irfan 'Abd al-Hamid Fattah in presenting a balanced picture of 'Ilm al-Kalam for the 21st century audience. In: Conference on Integration of Knowledge in the Field of Usuluddin and Comparative Religion: The COntributions of the Late Prof. Dr. Irfan Abdul Hameed Fattah, 8th December 2015, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The elemental root of creative and innovative thinking based on Islamic morality2003
2Is integration of ethics in Islam with social sciences viable? exploring the meaning and nature of al-akhlaq from the Quranic and Muslim ethicists' perspectives = Adakah integrasi ilmu etika dalam Islam dengan sains kemasyarakatan berdaya maju? eksplorasi makna dan ciri-ciri al-Akhlaq dari perspektif al-Qur’an dan pakar ilmu etika Muslim1188
3Recapturing the meaning of Akhlāq Islamiyah: an analysis of the article “akhlak” in the Encyclopedia of Islam1018
4Between the classical Mu'tazilites and neo-Mu'tazilites: an analysis of Harun Nasution’s modern Islamic thought in Indonesia951
5Demarcation of ethics and law: a theoretical framework that recaptures the primary role of akhlāq Islamiyyah947
6Were the early Firaq extremists? rethinking the history of Muslim disagreement(s)890
7مفهوم جزاء الأعمال عند البوذية والإسلام813
8Evolving 'ilm al-akhlaq into a modern discipline of knowledge: prospects and challenges.809
9Exploring the dynamism of the Waqf institution in Islam: a critical analysis of cash Waqf implementation in Malaysia800
10Hak-hak wanita: antara tuntutan dan realiti769
11The role of Irfan 'Abd al-Hamid Fattah in presenting a balanced picture of 'Ilm al-Kalam for the 21st century audience766
12Memilih jodoh: di mana hak wanita?754
13Tips akhlak wanita berkarier751
14Exploring the primary aim of ethics in good governance: maintaining compliance or striving for excellence and innovation623
15Ilmuwan wanita Islam: globalisasi dan hak wanita623
16Free will versus belief in qadr? the response of Sa‘Id Nursi and its modern relevance585
17Religion and the moral being of man: a critical analysis on Said Nursi's thought and its relevance in addressing the postmodern claims against religious morality583
18Rethinking maqasid Shari'ah: an analysis of Taha Abdur Rahman's thought551
19Al-Akhlaq al-Islamiyyah as a universal blueprint for post-Covid-19 ethics and morality: prospects and challenges485
20The ethical perspective of Hannah Arendt's Vita Activa: an analysis464
21Islam and morality: a philosophical introduction by Oliver Leaman414
22Ulasan buku Su’al al-Akhlaq dan kebangkitan pemikiran falsafah moral islam di abad ke-21355
23Prinsip 'Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan' lahirkan modal insan unggul300