1 | Description of the day of judgement and the Prophet’s intercession in Malay manuscripts: al-Raniri’s Akhbar Akhira and related texts | 1043 |
2 | Islam and modern school education in the Journal Pengasuh: review of the Kaum Muda - Kaum Tua dichotomy | 862 |
3 | Muslim child-rearing and Islamic education in Southeast Asia: case studies of Malaysia = 東南アジア・ムスリムの子育てとイスラーム教育
| 730 |
4 | Re-formation of the Saint’s image in contemporary Malaysia: The impact of Maulid events and the role of Hadrami Sayyids | 688 |
5 | The case study of Gombak, Selangor: From the urban periphery to the "centre" of the Islamic education (Roundtable keynote) マレーシア・スランゴール州ゴンバック郡の事例 都市周縁からイスラーム教育の「中心」へ | 664 |
6 | イスラーム教育と人の国際移動-マレーシア・インドネシア関係を中心として =
Islamic education and international mobility: International relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia | 655 |
7 | Preliminary mapping of the tasawwuf texts in the Malay world: Hidaya al-Salikin and some related texts | 654 |
8 | Changing role of Hadrami Sayyids in the transmission of Islamic knowledge in Malaysia | 635 |
9 | Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) for Critical Reading of Media: Collaboration between IIUM and Kansai University | 615 |
10 | Preliminary mapping of the Tasawwuf texts in the Malay world: Hidaya al-Salikin and some related texts | 600 |
11 | Malaysia「マレーシア」 | 582 |
12 | 国家主導のイスラーム教育に描かれた宗教の「機能」 : マレーシアにおける「イスラーム化」再考 = The “function” of religion in the state-led Islamic education: reconsideration of “Islamization” in Malaysia | 562 |
13 | Transforming culture of Islamic learning: Muslim society in Malaysia and the modern schooling (変容するイスラームの学びの文化-マレーシア・ムスリム社会と近代学校教育』)= Merubah budaya dan pendidikan agama: masyarakat Islam dan pendidikan moden Malaysia | 557 |
14 | "Azharization" of 'ulama training in Malaysia | 555 |
15 | The Day of Judgement in al-Raniri’s Akhbar Akhira: a preliminary discussion for comparative analysis | 548 |
16 | Revitalizing local wisdom of Islamic learning: implication from an anthropological study on Islamic education in Malaysia
| 535 |
17 | Reconfigurations of Islamic authority in Malaysia: state control of Islam and the role of the Ulama | 518 |
18 | Collaborative online international learning for media literacy and cultural awareness: learning own cultures through other eyes | 474 |
19 | The Middle Eastern affairs in mid-1920 and the image of Islamic modern nation in the Jawi-Malay Journal Pengasuh (「「ジャウィ雑誌『プンガソ』にみる1920年代半ばの中東情勢とイスラーム的近代国家のイメージ」) | 465 |
20 | Problems of Islamic education in colonial and post-colonial Malaysia: An analysis based on al-Attas’s notion of knowledge | 352 |
21 | Counter-discourse of Islamic epistemology in the non-formal madrasahs in Malaysia | 223 |
22 | 「世界とのつながり方に見るマレーシア・ムスリムの多様性―二つの街における地域性とイスラーム知識へのアクセス」= Diverse relationships between Malaysian Muslims and the world case studies of access to Islamic information in two Malaysian towns | 203 |
23 | Religious and cultural foundations of hospitality in the Islamic and Japanese traditions: a preliminary comparison | 200 |