IIUM Repository

Dr wan noraini mohd salim


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  1. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2007) Masalah dalam pentadbiran dan pembahagian harta pusaka kecil di Malaysia. In: Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia. Siri Perkembangan Undang-Undang di Malaysia, 12 . Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 159-177. ISBN 978-983-62-9724-2
  2. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Halim, Akmal Hidayah (2020) Property rights of Muslim women through inheritance: a brief outlook. In: Approaches on Empowering Muslim Women Through Property Rights. ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 140-155. ISBN 978-983-9379-71-6
  3. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2022) Islamic law of succession: a practical guide to the laws of faraid. 3rd ed. CLJ Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Selangor. ISBN 9789674571740
  4. Nasrul, Muhammad Amrullah and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Md Said, Muhamad Helmi and Miskam, Surianom (2019) The roles of the personal representative In estate administration in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law, Environment and Society (ICLES 2018), 13th-16th November 2018, Bangi, Selangor.
  5. Halim, Akmal Hidayah and Ahmad Bustami, Tajul Aris and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Mohd Yusoff, Rahmawati (2019) The administration of Muslim's and non-muslim's ownerless estate (bona vacantia) in West Malaysia: an analysis. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 4 (16). pp. 26-34. E-ISSN 0128-1763
  6. Drs Nasrul, Muhammad Amrullah and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Halim, Akmal Hidayah and UNSPECIFIED (2018) Administration of the deceased’s estates: an analysis to the effect of nomination. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 23-24 September 2017, Sintok, Kedah.
  7. Drs Nasrul, Muhammad Amrullah and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2018) Administration of estates in Malaysia: Determinant of factors behind the delay in the distribution of the deceased’s asset. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 3 (1). pp. 75-86. ISSN 0127-9319 E-ISSN 0127-9386
  8. Drs Nasrul, Muhammad Amrullah and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2017) Administration of a Muslim's estate under section 17 of the public trust corporation act 1995 with special reference to transfer of vehicles. IIUM Law Journal, 25 (1). pp. 121-136. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 0128-2530
  9. Drs Nasrul, Muhammad Amrullah and Abdul Hak, Nora and Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Halim, Akmal Hidayah (2017) Overview of family disputes in administration of estates: Analysis on mediation as effective dispute resolution mechanism. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution, 9-10 Aug 2017, Kuala Lumpur.
  10. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2016) The effects of apostasy on the entitlement to property on death: the Malaysian position. IIUM Law Journal, 24 (2). pp. 359-375. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
  11. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and DrsNasrul, Muhammad Amrullah (2015) Delay in administration of estates: causes and implications. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015 , 10th-11th May 2015, Auditorium, Academic Building (UniSZA), Kuala Trengganu.
  12. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2014) Islamic law of succession : a practical guide to the laws of faraid (2nd edition). CLJ Publication, Ampang, Selangor. ISBN 9789670667720
  13. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Abd Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff (2013) Rights of Muslim women in business assets as inheritance; a case law analysis. In: Joint Conference on Law and Society, Commercial Laws and Islamic Finance 2013, 18-19 Sept 2013, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia.
  14. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini and Abdul Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff (2012) Sustainability of the family ownership in a family business via inheritance: An Appraisal with special reference to the Malaysian law. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11). pp. 354-360. ISSN 1991-8178
  15. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2010) Islamic inheritance laws and systems: Module 5. In: A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World, 30 November - 5 December 2009, Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, IIUM .
  16. Mohd Salim, Wan Noraini (2012) Islamic law of succession : a practical guide to the laws of faraid. The Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn Bhd, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-0379-11-1

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The roles of the personal representative In estate administration in Malaysia1020
2Delay in administration of estates: causes and implications889
3The administration of Muslim's and non-muslim's ownerless estate (bona vacantia) in West Malaysia: an analysis854
4Islamic law of succession : a practical guide to the laws of faraid (2nd edition)837
5Administration of the deceased’s estates: an analysis to the effect of nomination809
6Administration of a Muslim's estate under section 17 of the public trust corporation act 1995 with special reference to transfer of vehicles801
7Islamic law of succession : a practical guide to the laws of faraid778
8Overview of family disputes in administration of estates: Analysis on mediation as effective dispute resolution mechanism749
9Rights of Muslim women in business assets as inheritance; a case law analysis 732
10Administration of estates in Malaysia: Determinant of factors behind the delay in the distribution of the deceased’s asset697
11Islamic inheritance laws and systems: Module 5657
12Sustainability of the family ownership in a family business via inheritance: An Appraisal with special reference to the Malaysian law.654
13The effects of apostasy on the entitlement to property on death: the Malaysian position614
14Islamic law of succession: a practical guide to the laws of faraid. 3rd ed.168
15Property rights of Muslim women through inheritance: a brief outlook104
16Masalah dalam pentadbiran dan pembahagian harta pusaka kecil di Malaysia89