IIUM Repository


Islamic Law Department


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Latest Additions

  1. Mohd Nor, Aishah and Muhammad Hashim, Nurhidayah and Rahmat, Nur Ezan and Md Hashim, Noraini and Kusrin, Zuliza and Abdul Majid, Latifah and Bahari, Norai'nan (2022) Comparative analysis of reconciliation procedures in Syariah and Civil courts. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7 (10). pp. 1-15. E-ISSN 2504-8562
  2. Md Kamal, Mohd Ridhuan and Md Hashim, Noraini (2021) Perceraian di luar mahkamah sebagai satu kesalahan di bawah akta undang-undang keluarga Islam: satu perbincangan dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan. In: Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia: Teori, Amalan dan Pelaksanaan. Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia, Putrajaya, pp. 111-128. ISBN 978-967-0870-88-5
  3. Said, Muhamad Helmi and Md Hashim, Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Ahmad Fuzi, Fauziah Hani and Yaakob, Khairulshuhadah (2020) Socio legal research on cross-border marriage in the Malay archipelago. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 5 (2). pp. 129-151. E-ISSN 0127-9386
  4. Md Said, Muhamad Helmi and Md Hashim, Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina (2018) A study of elopement among muslims in Malaysia and Island of Lombok, Indonesia (Kajian “Kahwin Lari” dalam Kalangan Muslim di Malaysia dan Pulau Lombok, Indonesia). Journal Of Law and Society (Jurnal Undang-undang dan Masyarakat,UKM), (2018) (Special Issue). pp. 104-114. ISSN 1394-7729
  5. Maher, Hana and Md Hashim, Noraini (2018) How the sexual grooming may have a hand in the controversial marriage between 41-year-old man and 11-year-old girl. Malaysian Digest. (Unpublished)
  6. Mehmood, Muhammad Ifzal and Md Hashim, Noraini (2018) Marriage without wali’s consent: the paradigm shift in family structure of Pakistan. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7), 11th-13th April 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)
  7. Tengku Muda, Tengku Fatimah Muliana and Mohd, Azizah and Md Hashim, Noraini (2017) Protecting the spouses’ interest (maslahah) in cases of defects through the application of the Islamic principle of Harm. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (4). pp. 345-358. ISSN 2222-6990
  8. Tengku Muda, Tengku Fatimah Muliana and Mohd, Azizah and Md Hashim, Noraini (2017) Darar or harm for failure to maıntaın the wıfe: A quranıc and Jurıstıca approach on marrıage dıssolutıon. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (8). pp. 522-539. ISSN 2222-6990
  9. Md Hashim, Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Ibrahim, Norliah and Rahmat, Nur Ezan and Abdul Syahid Sowell, Sarafuddin (2017) Efforts to save savable marriage through reconciliation process under family law in Malaysia: Issues and challenges. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution, 9th-10th August 2017, Kuala Lumpur.
  10. Mohd Zin, Najibah and Md Hashim, Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim and Mohd Helmi, Md Said (2015) Baseline study on the enforcement of nafkah orders in Selangor Syariah court. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 23 (S). pp. 327-336. ISSN 0128-7702 E-ISSN 2231-8534
  11. Md Hashim, Noraini and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Wok, Saodah and Md Said , Muhamad Helmi (2015) Socio legal studies on legal awareness among family members in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 23 (S). pp. 337-346. ISSN 0128-7702 E-ISSN 2231-8534
  12. Mohd Zin, Najibah and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Md Hashim, Noraini and Ibrahim, Kamilia and Md Said, Helmi (2015) Baseline study on the enforcement of Syariah maintenance court order in Selangor. In: 4th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS IV) 2015, 9th-10th May 2015, UniSZA, Gong Badak, Terengganu, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  13. Md Hashim, Noraini and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Wok, Saodah and Md Said , Muhamad Helmi (2015) Socio legal studies on family relationship in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence. In: 4th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS IV) 2015, 9th-10th May 2015, UniSZA, Gong Badak, Terengganu, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  14. Md Hashim, Noraini and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Ahamat, Haniff and Md Said , Muhamad Helmi (2015) Cross border marriages among the Muslims in Malaysia and Island of Lombok, Indonesia: an overview. In: 4th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS IV) 2015, 9th-10th May 2015, UniSZA, Gong Badak, Terengganu, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  15. Md Said , Muhamad Helmi and Abd Hak, Nora and Md Hashim, Noraini (2014) Application of private international law in Islamic family law: a special reference to recognition of marriage in syariah court in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III): Law in Remedying the Ailments in the Society and the State, 9th - 11th June 2014, Istanbul University, Turkey. (Unpublished)
  16. Md Hashim, Noraini and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Md Said , Muhamad Helmi (2015) Socio legal studies on family relationship in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence. In: 7th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, 5th-6th June 2015, BP Shamila Hotel Resort, Songkhla.
  17. Smail, Akakba and Md Hashim, Noraini (2015) Matrimonial offences in the light of Islamic law. In: 4th International Conference of Law and Society (ICLAS IV) 2015, 9th-10th May 2015, Academic Building, UNiSZA. (Unpublished)
  18. Mohd Saad, Jazilah and Abas, Afridah and Md Hashim, Noraini and Wok, Saodah (2013) Mechanism of enforcement and execution of muslim maintenance order: court - based system. IIUM Law Journal, 21 (2). pp. 183-208. ISSN 0128-2530
  19. Md Hashim, Noraini and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and UNSPECIFIED (2015) Rights of a Muslim woman before and during marriage, and upon divorce as conferred by the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories Act) 1984, Malaysia. In: 7th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, 5th-6th June 2015, BP Shamila Hotel Resort, Songkhla.
  20. Md Hashim, Noraini and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina (2013) Young bride: an analysis on the application of the minimum age of marriage in Malaysia. In: International Confetrence of Law and Society (ICLAS 1), 15th-18th Feb. 2013, Jogyakarta, Indonesia.

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Non-registration of Muslim marriages in Malaysia: socio-legal implication1396
2Dissolution of marriage on the ground of cruelty: A comparative overview of Fasakh and irretrievable breakdown of marriage (IBM) principles1223
3Prosedur dan pendaftaran perkahwinan1018
4Marriage without wali’s consent: the paradigm shift in family structure of Pakistan1009
5Cross border marriage (CBM): a comparative study on the profiles and factors of CBM among Malays in Malaysia958
6Right of a child to maintenance: harmonising the laws in Malaysia919
7Rights of a Muslim woman before and during marriage, and upon divorce as conferred by the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories Act) 1984, Malaysia890
8Darar or harm for failure to maıntaın the wıfe: A quranıc and Jurıstıca approach on marrıage dıssolutıon877
9Pemahaman cadangan formula pengiraan nafkah860
10Efforts to save savable marriage through reconciliation process under family law in Malaysia: Issues and challenges845
11A study of elopement among muslims in Malaysia and Island of Lombok, Indonesia (Kajian “Kahwin Lari” dalam Kalangan Muslim di Malaysia dan Pulau Lombok, Indonesia)832
12Akta Memperbaharui Undang-undang (Perkahwinan dan Perceraian) 1976819
13Protecting the spouses’ interest (maslahah) in cases of defects through the application of the Islamic principle of Harm804
14Baseline study on the enforcement of nafkah orders in Selangor Syariah court789
15Socio legal studies on family relationship in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence783
16Cross border marriages among the Muslims in Malaysia and Island of Lombok, Indonesia: an overview780
17Socio legal research on cross-border marriage in the Malay archipelago769
18Matrimonial offences in the light of Islamic law765
19Baseline study on the enforcement of Syariah maintenance court order in Selangor724
20Hak-hak isteri selepas perceraian di bawah Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Perak 2004 = Rights of divorce woman upon divorced under the Islamic Family Law Enactment of Perak 2004718
21Socio legal studies on family relationship in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence713
22Issues in eloped marriage (kawin lari) among Muslims in Malaysia701
23Young bride: an analysis on the application of the minimum age of marriage in Malaysia700
24Hak wanita mengikut undang-undang keluarga Islam Sarawak695
25Registration as legal mechanism to sustain institution of marriage675
26Application of private international law in Islamic family law: a special reference to recognition of marriage in syariah court in Malaysia669
27How the sexual grooming may have a hand in the controversial marriage between 41-year-old man and 11-year-old girl668
28Socio legal studies on legal awareness among family members in rural areas in Malaysia: an empirical evidence664
29Registration of marriage and the protection conferred to Muslim married women in Malaysia663
30Non-registration of Muslim marriages in Malaysia: social-legal implications657