IIUM Repository

DR Nurul Fariza Zulkurnain

Electrical and Computer Engineering

International Islamic University Malaysia

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Latest Additions

  1. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Siddiqui, Sumrana and Sarkar, Rashel (2024) The Parallel Fuzzy C-Median Clustering Algorithm Using Spark for the Big Data. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 151785-151804. ISSN 2169-3536
  2. Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Azhar, Mohamad Asyraaf and Mallik, Moksud Alam (2022) Content-based image retrieval system using fuzzy colour and local binary pattern with apache lucene. In: International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Communication Systems (ICACECS 2021), 13th - 14th August 2021, Hyderabad, India.
  3. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Nizamuddin, Mohammed Khaja and Sarkar, Rashal and Chalil, Aboosalih Kakkat (2022) A spark-based parallel fuzzy C median algorithm for web log big data. International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE), 14 (3). pp. 212-220. ISSN 2077-3528
  4. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Nizamuddin, Mohammed Khaja and Sarkar, Rashel and Ahmed, S K Jamil (2022) An efficient parallel clustering algorithm on big data using Spark. Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 65 (2). pp. 535-547. ISSN 1006-3080
  5. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Jamil Ahmed, S. K. and Nizamuddin, Mohammed Khaja (2021) A survey on parallel clustering technique for big data framework. In: 2nd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2021), 8-10 September 2021, Jaipur, India.
  6. Mallik, M. A. and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2021) An efficient fuzzy clustering algorithm for mining user session clusters on web log data. International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 80-93. ISSN 2810-0670 E-ISSN 2775-5584
  7. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Nizamuddin, Mohammed Khaja and Aboosalih, K C (2021) An efficient fuzzy C-least median clustering algorithm. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1070. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1757-8981 E-ISSN 1757-899X
  8. Mallik, Moksud Alam and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Jamil Ahmed, S. K. and Nizamuddin, Mohammed Khaja (2021) Identification of interested web users using decision tree classifier. In: Advances in electrical and computer technologies. Advances in electrical and computer technologies, 711 . Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 143-156. ISBN 978-981-15-9018-4
  9. Md Zaki, Fatimah Audah and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2019) Improved BVBUC algorithm to discover closed itemsets in long biological datasets. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 892. pp. 157-167. ISSN 1662-7482
  10. Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2019) An efficient algorithm to discover large and frequent itemset in high dimensional data. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
  11. Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Rebitanim, Azli Fitri and Abdul Malik, Noreha (2018) Analysis of THUG: a low-interaction client honeypot to identify malicious websites and malwares. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE), 19th-20th September 2018, Kuala Lumpur.
  12. Md. Zaki, Fatimah Audah and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2019) Frequent itemset mining in high dimensional data: a review. In: 5th International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST 2018), 29th-30th August 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
  13. Md Zaki, Fatimah Audah and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2018) RARE: mining colossal closed itemset in high dimensional data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 161. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0950-7051 E-ISSN 1872-7409
  14. Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Shah, Ahmad (2018) HYBRID: an efficient unifying process to mine frequent itemsets. In: 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Social Sciences (ICETSS), 7th-8th August 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
  15. Md. Zaki, Fatimah Audah and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza (2017) Towards scalable algorithm for closed itemset mining in high-dimensional data. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 8 (2). pp. 487-494. E-ISSN 2502-4752
  16. Khan, Burhan Ul Islam and Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke and Baba, Asifa Mehraj and Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza and Lone, Sajad Ahmad (2017) STCM: Secured trust-based communication method in vulnerable mobile adhoc network. In: The 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications (RoViSP 2016), 2nd-3rd February 2016, Penang, Malayia.
  17. Zulkurnain , N.F. and Haglin, David J. and Keane, John A (2013) DisClose: Discovering colossal closed itemsets via a memory efficient compact row-tree. In: Emerging Trends in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (7769). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 141-156. ISBN 978-3-642-36777-9