IIUM Repository

Associate Che Noraini Hashim


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Latest Additions

  1. Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Dilema wanita berkerjaya: cabaran dan tanggungjawab. In: Ilmuwan wanita Islam: globalisasi dan hak wanita. Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 77-102. ISBN 978-983-2306-18-4
  2. Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Mohammed Rawash, Fouad Mahmoud and Abdullah, Norillah (2017) Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of Higher learning institutions: implications on curriculum design. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25 (Special Issue). pp. 167-184. ISSN 0128-7702
  3. sani, Abu Bakar and Hashim, Che Noraini (2016) Evaluating the students' level of cognitive engagement to achieve english language curriculum objectives at International Islamic School, Gombak. Advances in Research, 8 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2348-0394
  4. Kareem, Poopla and Preece, Abdul Shakour Duncan and Hashim, Che Noraini (2016) Factors influencing creative teaching among teachers in Islamic private schools in Kuala Lumpur. In: International Conference on Education Towards Global Peace (CAPEU 2016), 30th Nov. to 1st Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  5. Osman, Syamsul Fozy and Hashim, Che Noraini and Sheikh Ahmad, Ismail (2016) Malaysian private higher education undergraduates’ digital reading habits and attitudes towards reading. In: International Conference on Education Towards Global Peace (CAPEU 2016), 30th Nov. to 1st Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  6. Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Mansor, Norwati and Hashim, Che Noraini (2015) Model of parental involvement and children schooling in Malaysia. In: The IRES 13th International Conference, 24th October 2015, Seoul, South Korea.
  7. Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Mansor, Norwati and Badzis, Mastura (2015) Parental involvement in children's schooling: the difference between primary and secondary schools in Malaysia. In: The IRES 13th International Conference, 24th October 2015, Seoul, South Korea.
  8. Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah (2015) Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of higher learning institutions implications on curriculum design. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015 , 10th-11th May 2015, Auditorium, Academic Building (UniSZA), Kuala Trengganu.
  9. Kazeem, Bakare and Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Quality assurance in contemporary Islamic Universities: issues and challenges. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 2 (2). pp. 40-58. ISSN 2289-8085
  10. Kayode, Bakare Kazeem and Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Communication management in distance learning programme. In: Educational research trends in ICT. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 72-84. ISBN 9789674183097
  11. Hashim, Che Noraini and Sundani, Faisal (2014) Factors that drive parents to enrol their children in Islamic private school: a case study of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Gombak, Selangor. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9789674183110
  12. Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah (2014) Factors influencing privacy disclosure among adolescents in social network sites (SNSs). In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 90-111. ISBN 9789674183110
  13. Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Razikin, Mohyani and Abdul Rashid, Adnan and Yusof , Mohd Yusnan (2014) Educational leadership practices model among teachers in Malaysian secondary school. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 68-89. ISBN 9789674183110
  14. Hashim, Che Noraini and Langgulung, Hasan (2014) The Muslim world and the west: the role of educational institutions in building bridges in the context of Malaysia. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 49-67. ISBN 9789674183110
  15. Hashim, Che Noraini and Langgulung, Hasan (2014) Islamic religious curriculum in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 26-48. ISBN 9789674183110
  16. Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad PBUH for effective teaching pedagogy. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9789674183110
  17. Hashim, Che Noraini and Kayode, Bakare Kazeem (2012) Economic literacy among Malaysia undergraduate students: a case study of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). In: World Conference on Islamic Thought & Civilization Contemporary, Challenges and Realities (WCIT 2012), 11-12 Sept. 2012, Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia .
  18. Kayode, Bakare Kazeem and Hashim, Che Noraini (2012) Crisis of knowledge and its Malaise to the Muslim ummah. In: World Conference on Islamic Thought and Civilization 2012: Contemporary Challenges and Realities, 11&12 September 2012, Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia .
  19. Muhammad , Ikhwanuddin and Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Relationship between memorization technique, mastery of the Arabic language and understanding of the Quran. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 2 (2). pp. 84-97. ISSN 2289-8085
  20. Harvindar, Kaur and Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) The use of wait-time in questioning during reading comprehension lesson by secondary school teachers in Selangor. International Journal of Education and Social Sciences ( IJESS ), 1 (3). pp. 70-76. ISSN 2222-7865

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Stress management from Islamic and Western perspectives: a psycho-analytical approach1238
2Parental involvement in children's schooling: the difference between primary and secondary schools in Malaysia 1178
3Kepelbagaian pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran rasulullah (s.a.w) demi menjana pendidikan yang berkesan 1115
4Negotiating classroom pedagogy for effective teaching - learning 990
5Malaysian private higher education undergraduates’ digital reading habits and attitudes towards reading933
6Model of parental involvement and children schooling in Malaysia902
7Parents' involvement with children's homework: a case study of academicians in a Malaysian institution of higher learning888
8The teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)884
9The use of wait-time in questioning during reading comprehension lesson by secondary school teachers in Selangor873
10Factors influencing creative teaching among teachers in Islamic private schools in Kuala Lumpur846
11Educational leadership practices model among teachers in Malaysian secondary school844
12Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of Higher learning institutions: implications on curriculum design837
13Authentic leadership among academics and administrative staff in IIUM824
14The roles of administrators in distance education programme: a case at higher learning institutions807
15Factors that drive parents to enrol their children in Islamic private school: a case study of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Gombak, Selangor801
16Teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad PBUH for effective teaching pedagogy786
17Second language learners' expectation of classroom communication778
18Evaluating the students' level of cognitive engagement to achieve english language curriculum objectives at International Islamic School, Gombak766
19Islamic religious curricula in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia759
20Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of higher learning institutions implications on curriculum design 748
21The Muslim World and the West: the potential of educational institutions in building bridges in the context of Malaysia739
22Communication management in distance learning programme735
23Quality assurance in contemporary Islamic Universities: issues and challenges705
24Exploring pre-service student teachers’s experiences on reflective practice 703
25Economic literacy among Malaysian students and student teachers: education system in Malaysia701
26Pelajar cemerlang : kemahiran belajar dan persiapan menghadapi peperiksaan688
27Islamic religious curriculum in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia668
28Relationship between memorization technique, mastery of the Arabic language and understanding of the Quran655
29Crisis of knowledge and its malaise to the Muslim Ummah654
30Dilema wanita berkerjaya: cabaran dan tanggungjawab649