1 | Stress management from Islamic and Western perspectives: a psycho-analytical approach | 1238 |
2 | Parental involvement in children's schooling: the difference between primary and secondary schools in Malaysia
| 1178 |
3 | Kepelbagaian pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran rasulullah (s.a.w) demi menjana pendidikan yang berkesan | 1115 |
4 | Negotiating classroom pedagogy for effective teaching - learning | 990 |
5 | Malaysian private higher education undergraduates’ digital reading habits and attitudes towards reading | 933 |
6 | Model of parental involvement and children schooling in Malaysia | 902 |
7 | Parents' involvement with children's homework: a case study of academicians in a Malaysian institution of higher learning | 888 |
8 | The teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) | 884 |
9 | The use of wait-time in questioning during reading comprehension lesson by secondary school teachers in Selangor | 873 |
10 | Factors influencing creative teaching among teachers in Islamic private schools in Kuala Lumpur | 846 |
11 | Educational leadership practices model among teachers in Malaysian secondary school | 844 |
12 | Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of Higher learning institutions: implications on curriculum design | 837 |
13 | Authentic leadership among academics and administrative staff in IIUM | 824 |
14 | The roles of administrators in distance education programme: a case at higher learning institutions | 807 |
15 | Factors that drive parents to enrol their children in Islamic private school: a case study of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Gombak, Selangor | 801 |
16 | Teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad PBUH for effective teaching pedagogy | 786 |
17 | Second language learners' expectation of classroom communication | 778 |
18 | Evaluating the students' level of cognitive engagement to achieve english language curriculum objectives at International Islamic School, Gombak | 766 |
19 | Islamic religious curricula in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia | 759 |
20 | Predicting mobile learning culture model among students of higher learning institutions implications on curriculum design | 748 |
21 | The Muslim World and the West: the potential of educational institutions in building bridges in the context of Malaysia | 739 |
22 | Communication management in distance learning programme | 735 |
23 | Quality assurance in contemporary Islamic Universities: issues and challenges | 705 |
24 | Exploring pre-service student teachers’s experiences on reflective practice
| 703 |
25 | Economic literacy among Malaysian students and student teachers: education system in Malaysia | 701 |
26 | Pelajar cemerlang : kemahiran belajar dan persiapan menghadapi peperiksaan | 688 |
27 | Islamic religious curriculum in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia | 668 |
28 | Relationship between memorization technique, mastery of the Arabic language and understanding of the Quran | 655 |
29 | Crisis of knowledge and its malaise to the Muslim Ummah | 654 |
30 | Dilema wanita berkerjaya: cabaran dan tanggungjawab | 649 |