1 | Prosedur kejururawatan menggunakan process kejururawatan | 1530 |
2 | The family caregivers’ needs at home with severe traumatic brain injury survivor: a review | 1027 |
3 | The association between emotional labour and emotional exhaustion among undergraduate nursing students during clinical posting | 1003 |
4 | Perceived stress, its stressors and coping mechanism among nursing students in clinical practice during Covid-19 pandemic | 994 |
5 | Knowledge and attitude of nursing students towards mentoring program in Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) | 993 |
6 | Understanding the development of self-efficacy for physical activity engagement in men after myocardial infarction: a preliminary qualitative study | 982 |
7 | Understanding long term impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors during recovery following discharge from the intensive care units (ICU) in Malaysian hospitals | 947 |
8 | Closing the gap: evidence to action | 942 |
9 | Does good critical thinking equal effective decision-making among critical care nurses? A cross-sectional survey | 894 |
10 | Flood, disaster resilience and social cohesion informing sustainable disaster recovery policy in Malaysia | 882 |
11 | Nurses' perception on patient safety culture in critical care area at a tertiary hospital in Pahang, Malaysia | 881 |
12 | Functional outcome 6 months after severe traumatic brain injury following admission to intensive care unit: A follow-up study in two neuro-center hospitals | 847 |
13 | Improving community disaster resilience through scorecard self-testing | 835 |
14 | Risk assessment and responses to deteriorating patients: Nurses and junior doctors’ knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) in the East Coast Malaysia | 835 |
15 | ICU nurses' perceived knowledge, attitude, and practice on endotracheal suctioning: a preliminary study at a hospital in Pahang, Malaysia | 816 |
16 | Parents’ experience in taking care of critically ill children while hospitalization | 799 |
17 | Disaster preparedness awareness among critical care nurses at a tertiary hospital in Pahang, Malaysia | 794 |
18 | Assessment of community disaster resilience among Kelantan flood affected community: a cross sectional study | 792 |
19 | Understanding of long-term impact of severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivors during recovery following Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission: a follow-up study in two neuro - center hospitals | 788 |
20 | Functional outcomes 6 months after severe traumatic brain injury following admission into intensive care unit:
a cohort study in two tertiary hospitals | 785 |
21 | Risk of deterioration among general ward patients: Nurses’ ability in assessing early warning signs | 768 |
22 | Adaptation of Australian community disaster resilience scorecard & self assessment of community disaster resilience | 765 |
23 | Deteriorating patients and risk assessment among nurses and junior doctors: a review | 763 |
24 | Clinical teaching behaviors and its effectiveness to learning: IIUM. A comparison between faculty and undergraduate nursing students’ perception in Malaysia | 751 |
25 | The prevalence of burnout syndrome among critical care nurses in a tertiary hospital in Pahang, Malaysia | 751 |
26 | Critical care outreach community program for primary care nurses and the outcome to critical illness survivors | 750 |
27 | Novel Intensive Care Unit (ICU) outreach service: Malaysian ICU nurses perspectives | 749 |
28 | Head and neck cancer patients’ quality of life: A conceptual analysis | 746 |
29 | Relationship between nurses knowledge, attitudes and practice on delirium with assessment and occurrence of delirium among ICU patients | 746 |
30 | Current challenges in nursing profession | 746 |