IIUM Repository




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  1. Hasan, Haliza and Muda, Siti Mariam and Samsudin, Nurul Nabilah and Heni Dwi Windarwani, Heni Dwi Windarwani and Evi Harwiati Ningrum, Evi Harwiati Ningrum (2024) Cost analysis of constipation management in children with disabilities from caregivers’ perspective: preliminary findings. International Journal of Care Scholars, 7 (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 2600-898X
  2. Kartika, Annisa wuri and Setyoadi, Setyoadi and Nurani, Nunik and Srihayati, Yati and Kristianingrum, Niko Dima and Ismail, Dina Dewi Sartika Lestari and Hasan, Haliza and Firdaus, Mohd Khairul Zul Hasymi (2024) The relationship between health service support at community health centers and family caregiver coping for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan, 7 (4). pp. 439-450. E-ISSN 2614-5375
  3. Hasan, Haliza and Abdul Hamid, Siti Hazariah and Mohd Hambali, Siti Nor Hanis (2023) The association between parental knowledge and attitudes on children's picky eating behaviour. Journal of Malaysian Nurses Association, 16. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1823-8661
  4. Hasan, Haliza and Mustapa Kamal Basha, Muzaitul Akma and Abdul Hamid, Siti Hazariah and Muda, Siti Mariam and Heni Dwi Windarwati, Heni Dwi Windarwati and Lestari, Retno Lestari and Hidayah, Ridhoyanti Hidayah and Ningrum, Evi Harwiati Ningrum and Syarifah, Aisyah Nur Syarifah and Ismail, Nur Fatihah Shuhada and Mohamed@ Azhar, Zahariah and Laras Ati, Niken Asih Laras Ati and Kusumawati, Mira Wahyu Kusumawati (2024) Identification of parenting stress level in managing special needs children during Pandemic Covid-19: A cross-national study. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 9 (63). 316 -330. E-ISSN 0128-1755
  5. Arifin, Nur Dina Farhani and Hasan, Haliza (2023) Evaluating parental knowledge and awareness of oral care for preschool children in Kuantan, Pahang. International Journal of Care Scholars, 6 (3). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1744-6171 E-ISSN 2600-898X
  6. Windarwati, Heni D. and Lestari, Retno and Hidayah, Ridhoyanti and Hasan, Haliza and A. L. Ati, Niken and W. Kusumawati, Mira and N. Selena, Irhamna and Dumar, Bergita and Rahayu, Gemi (2024) Institutional and family support impact on health‐related quality of life of children with autism spectrum disorders during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 37 (e12450). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1073-6077 E-ISSN 1744-6171
  7. Hasan, Haliza (2023) Identification of parenting stress level in managing special needs children during pandemic Covid-19: A comparison between Malaysia and Indonesia settings. In: 3 in 1 Visiting Professor Program and Research Collaboration Activity, 29th August 2023, Fakulty Perawatan. University Brawijaya. Indonesia. (Unpublished)
  8. Hasan, Haliza and Abdul Aziz, Aznida Firzah and Mohd Nordin, Nor Azlin and Aljunid, Syed Mohamed (2023) Impacts of community-based rehabilitation program (centre-based care vs. home-based care) on health outcomes among children with disabilities in east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia. In: International Hybrid Conference. The 17th Postgraduate Forum on Health Systems and Policies 2023: Post-Covid Health Equity, 17-18 Jul 2023, Hat Yai, Thailand. (Unpublished)
  9. Hasan, Haliza (2023) Kajian Bebanan Ekonomi Ibubapa dan Penjaga Kanak-Kanak Kurang Upaya yang Mengikuti Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) di Negeri- Negeri Pantai Timur Malaysia. In: Kolokium Institut Sosial: Orang Kurang Upaya, 30 May 2023, Zoom Online and FB live. (Unpublished)
  10. Zainudin, Nurul Atiqah Sahira and Ismail, Zarina and Windarwati, Heni Dwi and Muda, Siti Mariam and Mustapa Kamal Basha, Muzaitul Akma and Hasan, Haliza (2022) Knowledge, attitude and practice related to sexual health education for people with disabilities among community-based rehabilitation (CBR) workers in Pahang. Journal of Malaysian Nurses Association, 4 (1). pp. 57-64. ISSN 1823-8661
  11. Hasan, Haliza (2021) Seminar penjagaan dan pencegahan penularan Covid-19 kepada orang kurang upaya (OKU). In: Seminar Penjagaan Dan Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Kepada Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU), 24 Oct 2021, Kuantan, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  12. Hasan, Haliza and Abdul Hamid, Siti Hazariah and Mohd, Farah Natashah and Jaafar, Nurul Hazirah and Asmadi, Nur Izzati and Megat Mohd Azlan, Megat Ridzuan and Mustapa, Nurayunisha and Isa, Nor Farihatasha and Idrus, Nurul Hanis and Ag. Damit, Aifa Syazwani and Che Sulaiman, Fathin Nursyafiqah Juara and Nik Rusli, Nik Nor Amani (2021) Manual penjagaan khas untuk orang kurang upaya. [Copyright]
  13. Hasan, Haliza and Abdul Hamid, Siti Hazariah and Mohamad Ismail, Mohamad Firdaus and A. Razak, Nor'nasuha and Ramlee, Muhammad Amiezul Ashraf and Alius, Muhammad Rafe and Musahuddin, Muhammad Nadzmi Syazwan and Noordin, Naqib Syahir and Ibrahim, Mohamad Zaidi (2021) Sexual Health Education (SaHEM). [Copyright] (Unpublished)
  14. Hasan, Haliza (2021) Panduan penjagaan pesakit terlantar: tips dan "tricks". In: Progam I Do Care, 11 February 2021, Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished)
  15. Hasan, Haliza and Samsudin, Nurul Nabilah and Abdul Hamid, Nur Mursyidah and Ismail, Nurul Nabiha and Mohd Zainuddin, Nadilla Daleena and Noor Iskandar Hashim, Aimi Najwa and Suhaimi, Fatin and Adnan, Aida Azilah and Muhamad Radzi, Alia (2021) Special Care Manual (SCM) version 1.0. [Copyright] (Unpublished)
  16. Hasan, Haliza (2020) Collaborative management of chronic illness in community settings during new habits. In: 1st International Nursing and Health Sciences Symposium (INHSS), 14th November 2020, Zoom application. (Unpublished)
  17. Hasan, Haliza and Syed Junid, Syed Mohamed Al Junid and Wan Puteh, Sharifa Ezat and Abdul Aziz, Aznida Firzah and Muhammad Nur, Amrizal and Mohd Nordin, Nor Azlin and Jaafar, Nurul Anisah (2018) Parents’ and caregivers’ costs of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programme for disabled children in east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia. In: 12th Postgraduate Forum on Health Systems and Policies, 2nd - 3rd July 2018, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  18. Hasan, Haliza and Syed Junid, Syed Mohamed Al Junid and Wan Puteh, Sharifa Ezat and Abd Aziz, Aznidah Firzah and Mohd Nur, Amrizal and Mohd Nordin, Azlin and Jaafar, Nurul Anisah (2017) An implementation of activity-based costing (ABC) approach for analysing cost of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) activities for disabled children. In: 11th Postgraduate Forum on Health Systems and Policy Integrated Health Systems and Policy for Sustainable Development Goals, 9-11 July 2017, Songkhla University. Thailand.
  19. Hasan, Haliza (2020) The impact of disaster behavioral change in nurses society & people in Malaysia. In: International Webinar: Disaster Behavioral Health Agencies and Staff to Develop Resources to Aid Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals During the COVID-19 War, 21th July 2020, Semarang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
  20. Hasan, Haliza and Abdul Aziz, Aznida Firzah and Syed Junid, Syed Mohamed Al Junid (2020) Parents' and caregivers' satisfaction with community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services for children with disability in east coast states in Peninsular Malaysia. Health and Social Care in the Community. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0966-0410 E-ISSN 1365-2524 (In Press)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The costs of caregivers for children with disabilities that participate in centre-based and home-based community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes in the East Coast of Malaysia.941
2Job satisfaction among Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers in caring for disabled persons in the east coast region of peninsular Malaysia877
3Implementation of an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) approach for analyzing the cost of community-based rehabilitation activities for disabled children859
4The experiences of parents and caregivers of children with disability on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services in Malaysia: A Qualitative study856
5Collaborative management of chronic illness in community settings during new habits851
6Parents' and caregivers' satisfaction with community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services for children with disability in east coast states in Peninsular Malaysia827
7Knowledge on nutrition and frequency of food intake among pregnant women visiting Peringgit Community Polyclinic Melaka (PCPM)824
8Keberkesanan kos program pemulihan dalam komuniti (PDK) kanak-kanak kurang upaya di Malaysia: Perbandingan antara penjagaan di pusat dan penjagaan di rumah815
9Parents’ and caregivers’ costs of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programme for disabled children in east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia788
10The impact of disaster behavioral change in nurses society & people in Malaysia782
11An implementation of activity-based costing (ABC) approach for analysing cost of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) activities for disabled children760
12The experiences of parents and caregivers of children with disability on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services in Malaysia: A Qualitative study745
13Panduan penjagaan pesakit terlantar: tips dan "tricks"743
14The experience of traditional massage practitioners in supporting breastfeeding practice714
15Mental health treatment for Covid-19 in Malaysia710
16The experiences of parents and caregivers of children with disability on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services in Malaysia: a qualitative Study680
17Knowledge on nutrition and frequency of food intake rich in iron among pregnant women visiting Peringgit Community Polyclinic Melaka (PCPM)671
18Special Care Manual (SCM) version 1.0667
19Academic success: sharing experiences & challenges631
20Sexual Health Education (SaHEM)591
21Manual penjagaan khas untuk orang kurang upaya579
22Seminar penjagaan dan pencegahan penularan Covid-19 kepada orang kurang upaya (OKU)558
23Knowledge, attitude and practice related to sexual health education for people with disabilities among community-based rehabilitation (CBR) workers in Pahang512
24Kajian Bebanan Ekonomi Ibubapa dan Penjaga Kanak-Kanak Kurang Upaya yang Mengikuti Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) di Negeri- Negeri Pantai Timur Malaysia.399
25Identification of parenting stress level in managing special needs children during pandemic Covid-19: A comparison between Malaysia and Indonesia settings304
26Impacts of community-based rehabilitation program (centre-based care vs. home-based care) on health outcomes among children with disabilities in east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia295
27Institutional and family support impact on health‐related quality of life of children with autism spectrum disorders during the COVID‐19 pandemic295
28Evaluating parental knowledge and awareness of oral care for preschool children in Kuantan, Pahang259
29Identification of parenting stress level in managing special needs children during Pandemic Covid-19: A cross-national study238
30The relationship between health service support at community health centers and family caregiver coping for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus177