1 | Albert the Great's refutation against the extranission theory of vision through the extramission theory of relection | 813 |
2 | Albert the great’s refutation against the extramission theory of vision through the extramission theory of reflection | 682 |
3 | A brief history of the relationship between Futuwwa (Muslim brotherhood) and the Ṣūfī’s tarīqahs in the Islamic civilization | 657 |
4 | A preliminary attempt to compare
the epistemological frameworks of the scientific
traditions in the West and in Islam | 629 |
5 | A brief reflection on Islamic astronomy in 13th century: the case of Quṭb Ad-Dīn Al-Shīrāzī | 28 |
6 | Translation and commentary of chapter six of Quṭb al-DῙn al-Shīrāzī’s Nihāyat al-Idrāk fῙ Dirāyat al-Aflāk: on the orbs and motions of the sun | 24 |