Zakaria, Khairulbariyyah and Teet, Sudau and Hamzah, Hazwani and Aznan, Alia Syafiqah and Abdul Manaf, Mohamed Tajuddin and Wan Ibrahim, Wan Nurhafizah and Lee, Kok Leong and Iberahim, Nurul Aqilah and Musa, Nadirah and Abdulrazzak, Laith and Mohd Daud, Hassan and Taib, Mariam and Hatai, Kishio and John, Akbar B and Chowdhury, Ahmed Jalal Khan and I. Sheikh, Hassan and Musa, Najiah
Isolation and identification of fungi associated with diseased
freshwater fishes in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and technology, 43 (4).
pp. 1131-1139.
ISSN 0125-3395
E-ISSN 2408-1779
Fish health problem presents an ongoing challenge for aquaculture as disease outbreaks cause fish mortalities and
financial losses. This study investigated the fungal infections in common freshwater ornamental and food fish species in
Terengganu, Malaysia. Diseased gold gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus), snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis),
angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus), and red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) with
dermal lesions were sampled for fungal isolation. A total of 12 fungal isolates were isolated, and characterized by macro- and
micro-morphologies of colonies. Isolates were identified by sequence analysis of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
region. Genera Aspergillus, Geotrichum and Pestalotiopsis were more prevalent than Flavodon, Pseudopestalotiopsis,
Trichoderma and Apiotrichum (Trichosporon). This study indicated the advantage of good hatchery settings and management
practices in reducing fungal infections
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