Abd. Aziz, Karimah Hanim and Ab Rahman, Azriani and Salleh, Halim and Osman, Iskandar Firzada and Nik Mohamed, Mohamad Haniki and Draman, Samsul
The effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education programme among secondary school students in Felda, Pahang.
In: 4th International Public Health Conference, 27-28 August 2014, Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside Hotel, Putrajaya.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Education program in improving the knowledge on sexual and reproductive health, attitude towards sexual and reproductive health and practice of premarital sexual activities among early adolescents from Felda schools in Pahang, Malaysia.
Participants and methods: A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design was used to assess the effectiveness of the education program that was done among 100 secondary schools students from two schools’ Felda residential area using self-administered validated questionnaire. Students from intervention school (n=50) received comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education program conducted using established modules and experts for two days on top of their usual schools’ educational syllabus on sexual and reproductive health, while those in control school (n=50) only received usual schools’ educational syllabus regarding sexual and reproductive health. Data gathered from both schools for three times; pre-intervention, immediately after the intervention and three months after the intervention, where their sociodemoghraphic and sexual knowledge, attitude and practice assessed.
Data analysis and result: Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics; chi-square; Fishers’ exact test; independent t-test; and Repeated Measure ANCOVA (RM ANCOVA). It showed significant differences between intervention and control group in knowledge component [F (2,194) = 15.57; p<0.001] and attitude component [F (2,194) = 8.06; p<0.001] where the intervention group showed higher mean score compared to control group after three months of intervention, even after controlling the covariate (household income). However, no significant difference were noted for the practice component [F (1.74, 168.67) = 0.46; p-0.614] after three months of intervention even after controlling the covariate (household income).
Conclusion: The findings showed that the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education program conducted was effective in improving the SRH knowledge and attitude among early adolescents’ schools students. Thus, it warrants the importance and the need of comprehensive SRH education program to be implemented efficiently in schools.
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