Ramli, Noriah and Azmi, Saiful Mohammad Nizam
Food safety governance: Standard operating procedure on controlling of nitrite level, handling and processing of edible bird's nest.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11).
pp. 301-305.
ISSN 1991-8178
Malaysia is one of the largest bird’s nest exporters particularly to China and Hong Kong
market. However, Malaysia multimillion ringgits bird’s nest industry has been hit hard by China’s ban
and a series of scandals, with a drop in sales and prices. In light of the emerging food safety issues that
surrounds the Malaysian Edible Bird’s Nest (EBN) industry, which have somewhat affect the
economic gain of the EBN exporters in Malaysia, the Ministry of Health Malaysia, the Ministry of
Agriculture and Agro-based and Industry Malaysia under its Department of Veterinary Services (DVS)
and Department of Standards Malaysia had since 2003 issued a set of guidelines for a more systematic
management of the local swift’s nest industry. Besides, these guidelines are needed to ensure that the
local swiftlet’s industry does not create any health problem to the population.
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