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The utilization of information and communication technology among Islamic secondary school teachers in Malaysia

Abdul Rashid, Adnan (2011) The utilization of information and communication technology among Islamic secondary school teachers in Malaysia. Sosiohumanika: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 4 (2). pp. 145-158. ISSN 1979-0112

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Malaysia has implemented the first computer system in 1966. Since then, the government – through Ministry of Education – has introduced various initiatives to facilitate the adoption and diffusion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In line with the Vision 2020, Ministry of Education has draft ways so as to integrate ICT into education system. Malaysian government has invested millions of Ringgit for the usage of ICT in education. The investments include the building of computer labs, supplying of PCs, and related peripherals, training of teachers, and development of instructional material. The research will concentrate on the utilization, self-efficacy, integration, and satisfactory level of the Islamic Religious Secondary School teachers of Malaysia. Although there are only 55 of such schools but these schools are actually a sought after schools by parents due to its capability of producing leaders academically as well as spiritually. The study will deal with issues such as self-efficacy, utilization, and training needs/provided as well as the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. The analysis is adopting principle component analysis to determine the predictors of the underlying variables as well the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to strengthen the analysis.

Item Type: Article (Journal)
Additional Information: 2485/25390
Uncontrolled Keywords: Information and communication technology, K-economy, teachers of Malaysia, competences in teaching and learning
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4 Industrial engineering.Management engineering. > T58.5 Information technology
Kulliyyahs/Centres/Divisions/Institutes (Can select more than one option. Press CONTROL button): Kulliyyah of Education
Depositing User: Assoc.Prof. Dr Adnan Abd Rashid
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2012 10:18
Last Modified: 15 May 2013 09:59
URI: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/25390

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