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Improvement of sonication processing conditions for extraction of antibacterial compounds from spathiphyllum cannifolium

Ahmad Raus, Raha and Mohd Puzi, Nur Shazwana and Jamal, Parveen (2011) Improvement of sonication processing conditions for extraction of antibacterial compounds from spathiphyllum cannifolium. In: Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 199-206. ISBN 978-967-418-151-2

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Application of sonication during extraction has been reported to increase component extrdction yield and reduce solvcnt consumption. In this slUdy optimization of sonicatinn conditions to extract antibacterial compounds ....ere carried out to obmin maximwn yield of antibactcrial compounds from Spulhiphyl/uni curmifo/iuni. S. wnnifoliUni is a flo....ering plant whieh was previously shown to possess high anti·bacterial activity. Two parameters of sonication processing condition. namely thc extraction time (minutes) and temperature (0e) were optimized in this slUdy. Central Composite Dcsign (CCD) was used to design the optimiulion experiments. A set of eleven experimcnts was designed and data obtained from those ellperiments were fined to the mathematical model in which was used to plot tri-dimensional (3D) response surfaecs graph. Unfortunately. a full elliptical response was not plotted on this gniph thus optimum conditions for the elltraction of antibactcrial compounds were unable to be obmincd. Funher observation on the 20 plot however. suggested that optimized conditions might be obtained at the rangc of temperature betwecn 55 to 60°C and the lime be""een 15 10 20 minutes as it will yield maximum zone of inhibition or antibacterial cnmpoullds. The ANOVA analysis indicaled Ihat temperature had significant effc.::t on maximizing the zone of inhibilioll. BOlh time and intclllCtion between IWO indcpendcnt variables (time and temperature) were Dot significant to the zone of inhibition.

Item Type: Book Chapter
Additional Information: 3911/20795
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sonication. antibacterial aClivity. Spathiphrll,m, connifoli,m" central composite design (CCD)
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP248.13 Biotechnology
Kulliyyahs/Centres/Divisions/Institutes (Can select more than one option. Press CONTROL button): Kulliyyah of Engineering > Department of Biotechnology Engineering
Depositing User: Dr Raha Ahmad Raus
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2012 16:05
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2012 16:05
URI: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/20795

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