Ismail, Farah Nadia and M. Yusuf, Nur Farhana and Ahmad Nasir, Siti Nur Aisyah and Kayadibi, Saim
Lucky draw, contest and modern competition from Islamic view.
The Principal of Currency Value System and Islam Banking and Finance.
IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 171-189.
ISBN 978-967-418-118-5
Our group chose; Lucky draw, contest and modem competition
from Islamic view', as our project paper's topic. The main
reason we chose this topic is because the phenomenon of lucky draw and competition are widely occurring around the globe and even among the Muslims. There are various types and appeals of lucky dra\v and competitions exist nowadays. The issue is, Muslims are ignorant about the Islamic verdicts on those competitions. They are used to the norms of lucky draw and competition since the concept of lucky draw and competition seems to be clean and legal from Islamic perspectives as both do not reflect illegal doings. The fact is, not all of them are legal in Islam. Thus, we are going to give the clear Islamic vievy's on these things
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