What are MyCopy books?
MyCopy books are printed versions from the Springer eBook Collection to which your
library provides you access via SpringerLink. MyCopy complements the Springer eBook
Collection and enables you to choose the content format that best suits your individual
research needs. You may opt for the eBook format or the printed book – whatever you prefer.
MyCopy books have a colored soft cover, with the interior being black and white. Thus,
colored illustrations in the eBook and conventional Springer print books are always
monochrome in the corresponding MyCopy book.
What is the price of a MyCopy book?
Every MyCopy book is available at 24.95, including shipping and handling. It is available
to you at this price because your library subscribes to at least one Springer eBook package.
Taxes are applied for some countries and are reflected during the checkout process.
Who can buy MyCopy books?
MyCopy books are only available to SpringerLink users that are patrons of a participating
library that owns and/or subscribes to at least one Springer eBook Subject Collection.
How many MyCopy books can I order?
The total number of eBooks that you may order depends on how many Springer eBook
Subject Collections your library has. If your library provides access to the complete
Springer eBook Collection, you have the ability to order over 39,187 eBooks. The total number
of books that you may order is not restricted, but you may only order a single title once.
Please note that MyCopy books are for individual use only and are not for resale.
How do I pay for MyCopy books?
MyCopy books may be purchased by credit card on SpringerLink. Once payment has been approved,
you will receive an order confirmation and an electronic invoice via email.
Why should I register and log in before I buy a MyCopy book on SpringerLink?
Your MyCopy order details will be recorded in your personal Order History on SpringerLink,
if you register and log in before ordering a MyCopy book. You can retrieve the order information
from the My SpringerLink profile at any time and keep an overview of what you have ordered
in the past. The information provided in the Order History may also be helpful should you
contact MetaPress Support with order, re-order, or payment questions.
Who should I contact when I encounter problems with the order or payment process?
In case you encounter problems with the order or payment process, you may contact SpringerLink’s
content host, MetaPress, at support@metapress.com.
Who should I contact if I receive a damaged book or a book that I did not order?
You may contact the Springer Helpdesk at service-ny@springer.com, or 800-SPRINGER to request a re-order. In order to process your request, the helpdesk requires the MyCopy order number in the confirmation email you received. Please have this confirmation email ready when speaking with a customer representative. If you email the SpringerLink helpdesk, please forward the confirmation email to the helpdesk together with your request. The MyCopy order number is also indicated on the packaging slip that comes with the book. MyCopy customers who are registered SpringerLink users and logged in prior to ordering a MyCopy book can also retrieve their order details from the Order History section on SpringerLink.
How are MyCopy books shipped to me and what is the shipping and handling fee?
MyCopy books are shipped directly from the Print-on-Demand provider to the customer. The shipping and
handling fee for basic ground shipping is included in the standard MyCopy price of 24.95.
Will I receive a notification when the book is shipped?
Yes, you will receive an email notification when the MyCopy book is shipped.
How long is the delivery time for MyCopy books?
The delivery time for MyCopy books is 8 to 11 business days.