Hassan, Mohd. Kamal
The need to return to the Qur'anic paradigm of integrated development and integrated knowledge.
Research & Information Centre on Islam Website (RICOI).
The disappointing collapse of the Copenhagen U.N. Summit on Climate Change on the 18th of December 2009, much to the dismay of environmentalist organizations and the poor countries of the world, is yet another global symptom - in our humble observation - of the larger crisis of contemporary secular world order and a secular humanistic civilization grounded in the ontology of Kufr (disbelief) and the epistemology of autonomous reason. This historic failure means that the poor and "scientifically-technologically less developing countries" (henceforth STLDCs) will continue to be the most vulnerable to the future ravages of global warming as well as the turbulent consequences of economic and financial globalization imposed by the world capitalist system in the name of "development", the "free market" or "liberalization". The chaotic outcome of the Summit which "did not set legally binding targets to reduce the emission of gases that scientists say are heating up the world's atmosphere to dangerous levels" (AFP, The Star, 25 December 2009) also indicates that the unjust political and economic systems dominating the world today will continue to preserve their hegemonic interests at the expense of the STLDCs.
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