IIUM Repository

TERRAMULIA Communal Space@Selayang Mulia Low-cost Flat

Mansor, Mazlina and Nizarudin, Norhanis Diyana and Ibrahim, Putri Haryati and Md Jani, Haza Hanurhaza and Zakariya, Khalilah and Tukiman, Izawati and Abu Bakar, Aniza and Mohd. Hussain, Mohd. Ramzi and Ab Sani, Jasasikin and Baharuddin, Zainul Mukrim and Othman, Rashidi (2024) TERRAMULIA Communal Space@Selayang Mulia Low-cost Flat. Department of Landscape Architecture, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

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TERRAMULIA Communal Space@Selayang Mulia low-cost flat is a project initiated by the Department of Landscape Architecture KAED IIUM. with the support fund acquired from Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Selangor (LPHS), The project enabled the department to create a special communal space that benefits the Selayang Mulia low-cost flat community. It was made possible also through the collaborations and involvements from various parties including the Landscape Architecture students society (ARCLA), the lecturers, the IIUM Alumni, the local authority (Majlis Perbandaran Selayang), the Joint Management Body (JMB) and the flat’s residents. The TERRAMULIA communal space went through six (6) significant stages, which started from the preliminary site visit until the post-implementation stage. This book documented the project's process and outcomes with the basis of the project being the ‘From University to Community' goal. It is a part of the university’s SDGs and Communiversity Placemaking initiative. The communal space has been actively used to hold community events and other daily activities by residents in Selayang Mulia. It was evident that the communal space offers a vibrant and convivial place for the physical, mental, and social well-being of the residents.

Item Type: Book
Uncontrolled Keywords: Landscape communal space; Community landscape project; Low-cost flat; Placemaking initiative
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races > HT101 Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology
H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races > HT51 Human settlements. Communities
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2542.35 Environmental aspect of architecture
Kulliyyahs/Centres/Divisions/Institutes (Can select more than one option. Press CONTROL button): Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design > Department of Landscape Architecture
Depositing User: Dr. Mazlina Mansor
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2024 16:05
Last Modified: 20 Mar 2025 14:02
URI: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/115287

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