Harun, Nor Asilah and Mohd Padzli, Nurul Fatnin Wahida and Zakaria, Nurul Syahirah
Dentist’s knowledge on management of first permanent molar with poor prognosis in children.
Compendium of Dental Sciences Research.
Kulliyyah of Dentistry, pp. 35-46.
The first permanent molars (FPM) has been identified as the permanent dentition
tooth with the highest caries risk and a high prevalence of caries in children. The
treatment would be conservative restoration. But when the tooth has become badly
carious, unrestorable or non-vital in a developing dentition, it gives a significant
challenge to decide whether to save the tooth by doing endodontic therapy or
extracting the tooth. Orthodontically, the FPM is rarely the tooth of choice for
extraction. However, in an ideal situation, the extraction of FPM will be followed by
an eruption of a second permanent molar (SPM) to replace FPM, and the third molar
will erupt to complete the dentition. Thus, this study aimed to assess the dentist’s
knowledge regarding the management of poor FPM, their treatment choice and the
reasons behind their choices. A cross-sectional sample of 17 dentists completed a selfadministered questionnaire covering; knowledge and practice of management of FPM
with poor prognosis. Majority of them did not fully understand compensating and
balancing extraction and the ideal timing for extracting FPMs. 64.7% believed in
saving non-vital FPM in developing dentition rather than extracting them. However,
70% choose extraction to manage unrestorable and badly caries FPM. This indicated
that most of the dentists who participated in this study were not aware of the enforced
extraction of the FPM and the guideline of management of FPM with poor diagnosis.
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