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2021 Rio UIA-PHG Seminar
Video: Poster Exhibition Overview
A video that gives an overview of the selected posters will be shown at the 2021 Rio UIA-PHG Seminar:
Time: Monday, July 19, 11:30 - 12:00 Rio
UIA Congress Room: PHG Stage (Purple Room)
Investigative report of surveys on the practical use of planning for accepting disaster casualties in hospital
By Kana Egawa (Japan)
Color application for healthcare environments: Interior color for pediatric patient room design
By Jin Gyu “Phillip” Park (USA)
Application of big data to study patient flow in intelligent hospitals: A review
By Mohan Wang, Xingren Chen & Hang Ma (China)
Health in smart city: Designing Utopia -- Design research of “smart. green & well” future cityscapes
By Ruzica Bozovic Stamenovic (Singapore)
Building healthy and sustainable territories from green infrastructure
By Andréa Araujo de Vasconcellos (Brazil)
Design response for emergency infectious disease health care facility in the eye of COVID-19: "Project Management of field hospital"
By Norwina Nawawi, Mumtazah Mustajab, Mustapha Kamal Zulkarnain, Najah MD Alwi & Rushdina Ismail (Malaysia)
Arquitectura de la salud y pertinencia cultural: El caso de los hospitales intercurturales en Chile / Health architecture and cultural relevance: The case of hospitals intercurtural in Chile
By Alicia Campos Gajardo (Chile)
Transformar vidas e resgatar sorrisos: Proposta de um negócio de impacto social e inovador / Transforming lives and rescue smiles: A business proposition of social and innovative impact
By Davi Mendes Agra (Brazil)
Saude e Cidades: Repensando no planejamento urbano focado nas comunidades perifericas em prol da saude coletiva / Saude e Cidades: Rethinking urban planning not focused on peripheral communities for collective health
By Tandara Lopes Xavier (Brazil)
Rethinking public toilet design in a pandemic period
By Njoku Rose Chigozie
3 propostas residencias para a favela da Rocinha / Three residential proposals for the slum of Rocinha
By Luiz Carlos Toledo & Maciel Antonio da Silva (Brazil)
Preparing low income countries for post COVID-19 urban planning, design, and management
By John Nmele Constance (Liberia)
Verde perto: Ampliação de acesso a áreas verdes urbanas para promover a saúde / Close to green: Expanding access to urban green areas to promote health
By Bibiana Tini, Douglas Farias, Leticia Sabino & Louise Uchôa (Brazil)
Design strategies for infectious diseases department in general hospitals under the dual consideration of normal-pandemic situation: Basing on the case of Shenzhen in China
By Jiang Yao & Ren Yi (China)
Bulletin design to improve patient’s hospital satisfaction
By Seung Ji Lee, Young Mi Kwon & Su Yeon Jeon (South Korea)
Taking KPFUI London Ideal Block as an example: Research on design strategies of daylight in high-density cities based on generative urban design
By Gao Xu, Li Yu, Xu Yue Jia & Xia Di (China)
COVID-19 testing: A tool to identify and assess a suitable testing location
By Sara Kennedy, Anthony Asher, Rutali Joshi & Roxana Jafarifiroozabadi (USA)
A story of architectural heritage: From ancient Ca’ Granda hospital to a Faculty of Medicine
By Ozge Ogut (Italy), Nerantzia Tzortzi (Italy) & Chiara Bertolin (Norway)
Research on the urban open and green spaces in the light of the pandemic: The case study of Wuhan, China
By Quying Wang & Tzortzi Nerantzia (Italy)
Importânica arquitetônica no tratamento do câncer: Avaliação pós ocupapação de um clínica oncológica em recife-pe /
Architectural importance in cancer treatment: Post-occupancy evaluation of an oncology clinic in Recife-Pe
By Laysa Cibelle Alves Monteiro & Karoline Lima Nascimento (Brazil)
O instituto municipal nise da silveira como equipamento público e de integração com o entorno / The Nise da Silveira municipal institute as public equipment and for integration with the surroundings
By Maria Angela Dias & Raquel Laffite (Brazil)
Impacto de los hospitales en la estructura urbana de la ciudad de México / Impact of hospitals on urban structure of the Mexico City
By María Lilia González Servín, Francisco Acatzin Müller & Roberto Ulises Pimentel Bermúdez (Mexico)
Sustainability and humanization in a rehabilitation health care center in Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) in Argentina
By Mariana Irigoyen & Luciano Monza (Argentina)
Evidence-based design discrimination: Development and application under Chinese practice
By Long Hao, Zhang Chengyuan, Zhang Ye (China)
COVID-19 & Facilities: What Happened & When
By Philip Patrick Sun, Kenneth Mattox & Mark Kiszonak